pieces and fragments

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He's at the meeting the next day and it's hard not to stare at him.

The meeting goes over smoothly and he steps in and quells any dispute that arise.

He has changed so much but somehow he's still the same, still carries himself with an air of authority and still knows how to work a room.

Watching him made my heart hurt but I couldn't stop, his gaze was resolutely everywhere else but my direction and for the 100th time I mentally kicked myself for how bad I screwed up.

The meeting ends and everyone starts talking, it's like my legs don't even ask before they start walking towards him.

He's talking to two other ambassadors and I see him glance at me, I breathe in, his gaze hardens before he looks away and my heart drops.

My head keeps telling me to not do this now and I'm about to ignore it and walk towards him when I'm suddenly blocked by someone,

I look up into black eyes and a smirking face

Oh. Him

"Ambassador Kiara, so nice to meet you here" he says with a smile and I raise an eyebrow

"Yeah, not like we both have diplomatic meetings here every day or anything" I say and his grin just widens, ignoring my snark.

"you're always in a hurry, aren't you ambassador? or is it okay if I call you Kiara?" he asks eyes gleaming and I raise an eyebrow, trying to look past him towards the emperor who isn't looking towards me,

He's looking at the ambassador talking to him but he looks tense and I furrow my eyebrows at the change in his disposition before ambassador Wane brings my attention back to him

Ignoring the woman I knew was very much is in the room while the meeting went on was harder than I thought it would be.

It was hard not to glance at her, it was hard acting like every part of me didn't want to go to her,

but I couldn't. Every time I even think about it I remember how low I sunk and how bad I felt and the pain consumes me till it's all I feel, drowning out everything else I feel for her.

The meeting ends and I move to bolt my way out of there, but then I'm dragged into a conversation by another ambassador,

He's saying something but my mind is on the woman in the other end of the room and the man I recognise as another ambassador in front of her.

Something cold and biting settles in my stomach at the sight and it's hard not to keep glancing at her,

I have half the mind to go over there before I catch myself, how irrational I'm being.

I shouldn't care, I don't care. I excuse myself from the ambassador and walk out of the room

"Yeah sure" I replied absentmindedly, looking at the emperor but the place he stood was now empty and I felt my heart sink into my stomach

"Really?" the ambassador says, bringing my attention back to him and I do a double take at the wide almost childlike grin on his face.

I relax a little

"of course" he nods, smile still on his face

"please call me Wane then" he says and I nod, smiling in a way I hope is sincere

He then smacks his hands together and I blink

"well then, I'll walk you back to your quarters" he says again, and I move to object but he cuts me off

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