inns and close spaces

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"so you're going alone with kiara"

song says wiggling his eyebrows, sly smile on his face and I grimace,

I already expected the teasing from him.

"only because she's the best elite we've got " I argue and he quirks an eyebrow, smirk on his face

"Only lany? You sure bout that?" He asks grinning and I bury my hands in my face

"song you know this is important and we have to be extra careful, so I can't just disappear with a band of elites like last time, incase someone decides to go digging around "

he rolls his eyes and nods

"I hear you your highness " he says but the mischievous look is still on his face

"I'll instruct her about the latest mission then " he adds

"you don't need too, I already did " I say looking at everything but at song who had gone silent

"how did you tell her? " he asks carefully and I still don't look at him, eyes suddenly finding the ink and paper on my desk more interesting

"hum, because she still reports to me every night " I say quickly and the silence is broken by songs loud bouts of laughter

"orlan you are so whipped!!" he says holding his stomach and I groan, sliding down on the chair.

"I thought you said she didn't need too anymore a week ago, after you found out about the rebels and that things have been quiet " he starts, still laughing

"I should have known when I wanted to discharge her and you said you'd do it yourself " he says now cackling and I glared at him

Nights with kiara had quickly become the best part of my day, she made it easier to breathe.

Watching her look through the parchments curiously, listening to her give her opinion when I asked, watching her smile and how it lights up her face made me warm inside and I knew I would do anything to keep that smile on her face

I was falling and I was falling fast.

Every part of me wanted her and I wondered if she could see just how much in my eyes.

Part of me wanted to declare just how much, how she makes everything brighter, makes me want to be better, but I had something to do before I could.

The dark part of my head wondered if she felt anything for me, after everything, after how things were between us when we first met.

Things have improved, we were friends, atleast to me, it scared me, how much of my soul I was willing to lay open to her.

"shut up song " I whined hands on my face, song would never let me leave this down

"stop pouting lia " I said as I packed my things, the emperor had told me we would be going to the eastern cities at noon, he was vague about the reason and I bit at my curiosity, still in shock of him telling me we would be going together, alone.

Master maraks voice hadn't left my head ever since, the natural thing to do right now was to do what I was sent here for, going on this trip with him would make it so easy,

but thinking about it, thinking about him, thinking about his eyes, his smile, his sincerity, something tugged painfully at my chest,

I couldn't do it, I couldn't do that to him, not after knowing who he is.

But what was I supposed to do?

I pushed the thoughts away, the only thing keeping me sane was the lack of deadline by the masters, I needed to figure out what to do, what I was going to do.

A Dance Of Blades and HeartsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz