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"azumi you can't puff your chest up like that, especially not with an arrow in your hand " our father said to azumi with amusement and a small smile on his face, azumi deflated immediately smiling sheepishly at our father who ruffled his hair,  I looked up at my mother's face frowning, I was on her laps and her hands were in my hair, the love in her eyes was so bright when she looked down at me "what's wrong little one? "she asked, I pouted at her, "mama I want to go play with azumi ",she smiled, "you will my princess, when you're older like your big brother " she said, I collapsed dramatically on her laps and sighed "but that's too far mama, I wanna play with azumi and papa noww, ". "why the sudden interest baby? "mother asked, an amused look in her eyes as she watched me. "azumi and his friends are always playing  and when I want to, they don't let me,they always say I can't " I said crossing my arms and pouting, my mum laughed and hugged me "then you'll just have to show them how good you are when you're old enough my sweet child " she held my face in her hands, her eyes were so loving "kia there's nothing that you can't do my darling, never think you're not capable "she said placing a kiss on my head, I fussed from her grip smiling " my brave little warrior "

I blinked away the memories as always and focused on the target, I missed. 

I heard a snicker and turned to see an older elite beside me, he was a senior so I had to respect him, I bowed reluctantly.  "your aim is off kiara, or are you just not that good?" he said eyes staring me down, I gritted my jaw, perian men were irritating, I was used to this already but it didnt  mean I was going to take it.

"truth be told, I wonder why lu fehn spoke so highly of you, you can't even shoot an arrow throw the target " I raised an eyebrow, 

"with all due respect, you know nothing of what I can or can't do " I said staring at him blankly.  He looked taken aback for a moment and then scoffed

"you're a woman, you're way over your head " he said aiming an arrow at the target, a challenge in his eyes, the arrow hit the bull's-eye and he smirked at me

Idiot so many idiots in this city, he obviously wanted me to go again, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes

I was forever grateful that I wasn't born perian.

I aimed at the target and it went through, I saw him raise an eyebrow " lucky shot " he said, I ignored him and aimed my arrow again, this one going through the first one that was already in the middle of the target.

I saw his eyes widen till they looked like they would pop out of their sockets,

"looking down on my abilities because I'm a woman will be a very big mistake " I said glaring at him before bowing and walking off.


I watched from the podium with song, observing the new elites, my eyes somehow found kiara and stayed on her, she had missed a shot and she and an elite seemed to be having a conversation, not one she was happy with by the look on her face, then she hit the bull's-eye double and walked off, the same fire in her eyes.

"that woman sure is something " I heard song say from beside me,  I hummed. She was, she was a trained warrior, proving repeatedly to be so much better than the men that were surely looking down on her.

The law stopping women from being involved in any work they choose to was something I got rid of when I got the throne, it was something that always irritated my mother, she was a free bird bound by tradition and all I wanted to do was let her fly, I couldn't before she died, but I still abolished that law because I know she would have wanted me too.

Although the law was abolished, most perians were stuck in the old ways, the women who ever ventured out of their comfort zone being frowned upon, forcing them to retreat.  I sighed, but the opportunity was always there.

A thought occurred to me and I frowned

"is she being bullied?" I asked song, he had a contemplative look on his face

"non that I know of, and if she was, I think she can handle herself just fine "I smiled at that

mother would never forgive me if I let a woman be bullied for making different choices, different in the sense that they are not perian standard.

  "my lord " one of the guards said bowing

"general oria requests your presence at his chambers to welcome his guests "

"very well " I said and he bowed and left, I groaned and looked at song, he laughed

"uncle's still trying to set you up? " I gave him a put upon look

"he's relentless " I said sighing.  Song laughed and patted my back

" who knows maybe you'll like her " he said wiggling his eyebrows and giving me a look, I punched his arm and glared playfully. 

General urai was just as loud, if not louder than uncle, that was after he and uncle started trading tips on making excellent tea, with uncle giving me pointed looks, I groaned inwardly,

uncle had managed to sweep the general into a conversation as soon as he sat down and I was left with the generals daughter, lady Lena.

"I do hope the tea is to your liking lady Lena " I asked trying to be polite, she looked up shyly "yes your highness, your uncle makes excellent tea" she said with a small smile.  I smiled back, that seemed to encourage her

"it is an honor to have you hosting us today your highness "I nodded at her.

"I make excellent tea too, If your highness would ever want too " she said smiling, uncle kept sending approving looks and I tried not to roll my eyes.

"so what else do you do?"I asked conversationally and to satiate uncle. Her eyes gleamed,

" I knit and sow your highness, and I volunteer at a children's home in my free time "

"I think that's wonderful lady Lena "I said politely and she beamed at me and bowed. I was expecting an answer along that line

most perian women, especially ladies of the court were involved in embroidery.  She went on about her embroidery skills and I listened half heartedly, more for the sake of being polite than anything else

"I'm sorry your highness, I did not mean to bore you "she says bowing probably noticing my disinterest, uncle who had been not so subtly eavesdropping on the conversation glares at me. 

I resist the urge to face palm

"of course not lady Lena, you were saying? "

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