nightmares and soft moments

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"hello, can anybody here me!?! "

I kept screaming, walking around the empty clearing, houses obviously burnt to the ground, ashes everywhere, I breathed, eyes taking in the destruction around me.

"what the hell happened here" I whispered.

"kiara!!" I heard a familiar voice scream and my heart froze, I whirled around and was face to face with my brother, he was covered in ash and there was fear in his eyes.

"azumi?" I exclaimed before running up to him and pulling him into a fierce hug, he hugged me back

"how are you here, and what in the world happened ?? "I asked pulling away from him

"perians, they, they attacked a-and we weren't ready and oh my G...God kiara " he stuttered, body shaking and I stepped back

"what? "

"that makes no sense..this isn't-" I began, but then the houses looked more familiar, the large building in the middle of the city, zethnas town square almost burnt to the ground, covered in ashes.

My blood ran cold

"wha-what is going on??" I screamed

"what the hell happened here!?!" I said eyes frantically looking at azumi, hands tightly wrapped around myself,

I was shaking but I couldn't stop.

Azumis eyes went wild and his body went rigid "he did this, he destroyed us all!"

"what are you talking about azumi? "I asked, eyebrows crinkling in confusion, but azumis eyes were trained further away from me, at something at my back, I whirled around and came face to face with Amber eyes

My heart stopped and dread filled my body.

I took a step back


He stood there, staring blankly, his eyes that were usually so bright and beautiful oozed with so much hate that I was frozen in place, he had a sword in hand and he was drenched in blood .

"no, no it can't be "

I whispered frantically shaking my head.

"you monster!! " azumi screamed

"you destroyed everything!" I turned to face him, body shaking with grief and confusion

"he- he wouldn't do this, he wouldn't massacre an entire village, no! No no no!" I felt my body shaking and struggled to get a grip

Azumis eyes were hot on mine and he moved to speak, holding my shoulders before he made a pained noise and a sword went through his back

"NO! "

I gasped, hot tears spilling from my face as azumi crumpled to the floor

"azumi, no, no azumi get up, you can't do this, get up!!" I yelled, watching the live slowly drain out of his eyes, I screamed, looking up into blazing amber eyes that were staring back at me.

"why, I thought you were better why?!? " I screamed,

my entire body was shaking now and I could barely see past the tears in my eyes

Next thing I know, I'm looking right into amber eyes, watching the light fade from them

"wha-what" I breathed, hands shaking, he looked down at his chest, I followed his gaze and found a knife buried in his heart

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