🍬Chapter 26🐇

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Y/n groaned softly in her sleep as she started to wake up. She felt someone wrapping their arms around her.

"Gon... I had such a weird dream..." She mumbled and looked up to find not her best friend, but Teki, who was sleeping, while holding the female close. (1)

Y/n pushed away and fell onto the ground, off of the bed. The sudden movement woke up Teki, who rubbed her eyes and sat up. She let out a yawn and noticed Y/n.

"Chocolate Bunny? What time is it?"

"Why are you in my room?!"

"Oh..." she smiled lazily at Y/n. "I wanted to get a hug from you before I went to bed, but you were a sleep so I hugged you in bed and fell a sleep..."

Y/n wanted to face palm. She grabbed a clean set of clothes, getting ready to train Kinzu again.

Teki yawned and climbed out of the bed. She noticed something on the side table. She picked it up, it was the picture of Y/n and her family. She stared at it for a few seconds and then placed it down and looked at the second picture. Her eyes slightly widened at something. She placed it back down. She noticed a bag and took out the thing in it.

"The scarlet eyes? why do you have that?" Teki looked at the female, who froze in her spot. Within seconds the container was snatched out of Teki's arms.

"Don't touch it!" Y/n snapped at Teki, making Teki turn from her curiosity into sadness.

"I'm sorryyyy" She cried out loud as she cried on the spot.

"...It's fine, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings-" Teki instantly changed when Y/n apologized.

Teki smiled at her. "It's Okie Dokie! hehe~" Teki noticed Y/n's eyes were red, but slowly turned to brown. She decided not to mention it yet.

"Well done!" Teki squealed and giggled as Y/n and Kinzu stood there, after practicing their Ren.

Y/n had joined Kinzu's lessons for nen yesterday. Since Teki wanted to teach them both, but didn't want to do it separately, since she's lazy.

"Now time for the lessons on "Advanced Techniques" and "Nen and Individuality"!"

"wait! Y/n-chan Only learnt what Nen was YESTERDAY, Why does she only get one day of training her Ren to learn advanced Techniques!?"

"Because! I'm too lazy to continue teaching it to her now, I wanna get onto the interesting part!" Teki replied to the female. "Also she is actually a lot stronger at Nen than when you started so I believe that she is fine."

Kinzu pouted slightly. Y/n was slightly surprised until Teki added. "But I'm gonna make her do her Ren when ever she isn't teaching you." Y/n stared at her and mentally knew Teki would have said something like that.

"Now sit down both of you!" Teki commanded and changed into her teacher persona. The duo sat down together in front of the black board Teki brought out of no where and she flipped it to reveal the title of Advanced Techniques

" The Advanced techniques, You need to have at least be decent with the basics of Nen, the 4 Major principals. These Techniques are either advanced versions or a combination. There are many of them so I'm not going to go into detail for all of them. One example we'll say is Gyo, It's to concentrate on the Nen in one part of your body, its an advanced version of Ren." Teki explained to the duo. "Open your textbook to page 13 to see an example of Gyo-"

"Wait, What textbook?" Y/n questioned Teki who looked at Y/n and thought for a second before replying to the confused female.

"Oh yeah! I need to give you yours, here!" Teki plopped down a giant book with the words 'Teki's Guide on learning Nen' on the cover with a chibi drawing of her and the black board.

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