🍬Chapter 18🐇

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As it was getting late, the 4 were in the office with the guard.

"Oh, so you all are Master Killua's friends." The guard replied to what they had told him a few moments ago. "I'm happy to hear that"

Y/n was standing in between Gon and Kurapika, sipping her tea quietly, listening to the older male. "I've worked her for over 20 years, but this is the first time, any friends have come to visit"

As the security guard sat down, he continued what he was saying. "Considering I work here, I shouldn't say this, but the place is rather lonely. No one ever visits. Though we do see a lot of those." He pointed to the trash can that contained the remains of the men who tried breaking into the Estate.

"Well a family of assassins are pretty unusual. So I propose it's the price they have to pay. Anyways I'm glad you guys are here. Thank you." The guard bowed slightly.

"Don't mention it.." Leorio replied to the old man.

"However..." The guard started to say again. "I cannot let you inside."

The 4 stood there, frustrated that now, even when the guard knew that they were friends of Killua, they wouldn't let them inside.

"Didn't you see the large arm of the beast. It's name is Mike. It serves as the Zoldyck family watchdog." After hearing that statement then Y/n questioned.

"I have a question..." Everyone looked to the female. "If 'Mike' is the watchdog, then why are you the security guard if Mike watches over the estate?" Now everyone looked at the guard, waiting for his reply.

"Well, to tell you the true, that I am just the janitor for the bodies, that are left over after Mike eats..."

"Sir, how is it that you are safe?" Kurapika asked after the female had asked her question. The guard looked at Kurapika, slightly confused.

"You can go inside correct? If you never needed to enter, you wouldn't need a key" Kurapika said to the male.

The guard soon smiled. "Quite perceptive aren't you." He said to Kurapika. "But you are only half right. I don't require a key to enter." He started to explain that the Key was used on a door for intruders so that Mike would eat anyone who entered through that door. He also explained the testing gate and how he gets into the building.

Now standing in front of the gates, Leorio was trying to push the gates open by himself, which ended up failing.

"Are you sure it's not locked?" Leorio said as he gave up. "I tried pushing and pulling." He said as he rubbed his hands.

"You just aren't strong enough."

"That's absurd! I've been using all my strength!" Leorio yelled back. The guard took of his shirt, leaving his tank-top on underneath as he went to the door.

"Let me show you." He placed his hands onto the gate and pushed it open, but he had only opened the first gate up. He then let go and the gate slowly closed.

"You have to be quick to get through since you see, the gate closes automatically." He pointed at the gate. "Don't worry about Mike, he wont attack if you go through the testing gates."

He explained how the gate worked, and that each gate weighed double, which means that it weight in total 254 tons...


They were all now standing in the office, with the guard trying to contact the butlers, so that the gang can go and see Killua.

Y/n stood next to Gon, who was waiting for the phone.

The guard held the phone and answered. "Yes..." He soon sighed and set the phone down.

"What did they say?" Y/n asked softly and looked at the Guard. Who explained that the bultlers weren't going to allow them to see Killua.

Soon Gon picked the phone up. "My name is Gon, and I'm one of Killua's friend. Is Killua there?"

There was silence until the butler stated. "Master Killua doesn't have any friends."And they hung up.

Gon set the phone down, but before he could pick it up again to call them, Y/n took the phone from him dialing #501 into the phone, calling the butler back.

"This is the butler office." A dark aura filled the office of the Guards, that emitted from Y/n. Everyone in the room froze, shivering slightly from the dark aura the female emitted.

"Listen here, You may not know, but we are Killua's friends and you better let us in. And if you dare hang up again, I promise I will kick you in the as-"

"Y/n, Calm down." Gon said as he touched the girl's shoulder. The aura slowly disappeared from the female as she looked at the male.

"I believe I heard your name was Y/n and the other male said his name was Gon correct?" Y/n and Gon looked at the phone, listening to what the butler was saying.

"Yeah." Gon replied.

"Lets pretend that Killua had 2 friends named Gon and Y/n. There is no proof that you are Gon or Y/n." He then explained how people can copy a person's appearance perfectly and copy their voices. And if someone made them talk to Killua and become his friends.

"The zoldyck family practices the trade of assassination. Naturally the family made enemies. As butlers, its our duty to to protect our masters from their enemies. I apologies, please leave." He hung up again on the duo.

Y/n was quiet standing still. Gon on the other hand set the phone down and headed out. Y/n snapped out and looked to find Gon, using his fishing rod to climb over the wall.

"He's going to climb over the gate..." Kurapika said sweat-dropping when he saw what Gon was doing.

"What!" Leorio said and hurried to stop Gon. "Gon! Stop that!"

"It's Okay! You three can wait here." Y/n looked at him, and sighed. "I'm coming with you." Leorio and Kuapika stared at the female, mostly expecting her to say something to stop Gon.

"I'm gonna kick that Butler so hard in the as-"

"I'm not letting you 2 do that!" Leorio yelled at the 2 children, who were planning on jumping the gate and going in to save Killua.

"We'll be fine" Y/n added on'

"No you won't!"

"All of you calm down!"

"I'm calm! I just need to kick that butler in the as-"

"Gon-kun, Y/n-chan, I can give both of you the Key." The guard said, the 3rd person to interrupt Y/n's sentence. "You can go through the door."

"Hold on Pops!" Leorio yelled, debating on the guards choice. "We can convince them both to stop."

"Really? I see Gon-kun as a stubborn boy, and Y/n seems to be a girl who once she sets her mind on something, she'll do it." He looked to see Gon and Y/n climbing up the string from the fishing rod, that Gon carries with him everywhere.

"To make amends, I'll come with you through the door."


Finally I got this out! Also I'm changing the chapter number to normal text since it's easier to see on your phone

Hope you enjoyed!

Sweet Bunny (HxH x reader) [Old Version]Where stories live. Discover now