🍬Chapter 17🐇

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As the people on the tour bus reached the front gate of the Mountain, Y/n stared at it in shock. She didn't expect it to be so giant, she soon looked to see a door on the side realizing that the giant gate was just for show...

"That's really something." Leorio said as he looked at the building.

"This is the front gate of the Zoldyck Establishment." The tour guide pointed out as she started to talk about the Estate. "Also known as the door to Hades, because no one who entered it has ever come out alive! To enter you must go through the door besides the security checkpoint, but the area behind the check point is all private property, so we can't proceed."

Hearing that statement made Y/n jealous, Killua lived on that mountain with a forest surrounding it, that is completely owned by his family. Sure, Whale Island has a forest and she lives in a decent sized home, but still he is super lucky!

"Hold on what?!" Leorio yelled "This is the front gate. The mountain is way over there!" The lady started to explain that the Zoldycks own the forest surrounding it and if they went inside they would enter private property.

"The whole area is their backyard..." Leorio said, also being jealous of Killua's home.

"Hey guide.."

"Yes?" She replied

"What can we do to get inside of there?"

She looked a bit frustrated hearing what Gon said. "Well little boy didn't you hear my explanation..."

"Yeah I know but..."

"If you go inside you'll never get out alive!" She yelled at the small boy, she soon felt a horrific aura emitting from the shorter female beside him. She jumped slightly, and quickly apologized for being rude. "Sorry, I mean that when people go inside of the Estate they all don't come back alive. Assassins live inside."

"Ha, what a sham" One guy spoke as he walked passed the main characters towards the security corner. "A family of assassins that no one has ever seen."

"A picture of their face would be worth a hundred million."

"What!!!" Leorio yelled hearing how much money a picture of Killua would be worth. "Damn I should of taken a picture of Killua!"

Y/n blinked and slowly hid her phone away in her pocket in her shorts, to keep it away from Leorio...

"This is revenge for you eating all my sweets...hehehe..." Y/n snickered quietly as she took out her phone to take a picture of the sleeping Killua, who was leaning against a tree, drooling slightly, and some mud, sticks and leaves on him to create a cat like face on him. The two were still busy in the fourth phase of the hunter exam

She took multiple photos and soon Killua opened his eyes to see the female taking photos of him.


"NEVER!" She yelled back as she quickly scrambled to get on her feet and run away from the angry male, who was trying to take the phone off of the female's phone.

Luck was on Killua's side, since Y/n tripped and fell onto the ground and he jumped on her, sitting on her back.

"Get off of me!"

"No Bakaa!" Killua said back. "Delete those photos."

"No!" Killua growled and tried to grab the phone from the fallen female who tried pushing him off her with one arm, considering her left arm and right leg were still broken.

"fine I'll delete them..." She huffed and Killua got off her and watched her delete the photos

'Jokes on him I still have them hehe, I'm gonna show Gon later.."

Soon she snapped out of her thoughts and the 2 men headed to the security guard and demanded for a key to the door, taking it from him forcefully. As they took the key they threw the Security guard onto the ground.

"Hey are you okay?" Gon asked as he ran over, with the group, making sure that he wasn't hurt.

"Yeah, I'm fine." The guard said as he looked to were the 2 males were, who were unlocking the gate. "Master doesn't like it when Mike's ends up eating in between meals..."


Soon a scream was heard and a giant paw came out of the door, holding 2 skeletons of the men who just entered the estate. The paw dropped the skeletons onto the ground. After a few seconds of silence, the Guide screamed loudly, calling everyone onto the bus. The main 4 stood in their same position looking at the skeletons on the ground.

"Please.. He's only meant to eat at scheduled times." The guard said and soon yelled out to the beast guarding the estate. "Mike! Don't blame me if you get fat!" Y/n wanted to laugh at the statement when hearing the guard's statement, but decided to stay quiet.

"What was that..." Kurapika asked to no one in particular.

"Hey boys! and girl!" The tour guide yelled out to them. "Get on the bus!"

"You can leave" Gon said, smiling at the panicked lady who was calling for them. "We're staying here!"

Soon as Gon said that the bus hurried off, leaving the 4 behind.


Sorry for the chapter being shorter than usual. I've kinda been lazy and not in the mood to write for a bit.

Still do so yeah, hope you enjoyed

(Also thanks for 200 hearts :3) 

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