chapter twenty one

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My ears fill with the sound of laughter, coming from my favorite person. Toy Story 3 played on the tv inside of the Anderson's living room. Alexander tried his best to contain himself, but he fails. Then I start laughing at how hard Alex was laughing.

"I can't breathe!" A tear slips out of Alex's eye out of happiness.

"It wasn't even that funny." I small laugh came out of my mouth, a wide smile spread across my face.

"Yes it was!" He replied, finally being able to calm down.

I shook my head and let out a chuckle. "You're silly."

"No, you are." Alex giggled, his hyperness peeking out.

"You laugh at like every single thing in this movie."

"Stop it, no I do not." He flicked my arm and giggled once more.

"Ow" I frowned, pretending the flick hurt me."

Alex frowned too. "I'm sorry daddy.."

I chuckled and tickled him which caused him to laugh really hard again. He got up from the sofa and ran away. "You can't get me!"

"Yeah?" I replied, getting up as well and running after him. That caused him to squeal and hide in the cupboard below the sink. Quietly, I sat down in front of the cupboard and waited until he would peek out at me. Once he did, he spotted me and quickly shut it again. I chuckled with the corners of my mouth curving up.

"I guess I'll just wait out here all by myself.. all alone without my baby." I said. That made him open the cupboard back up and crawl into my lap. "There you are." I smiled, putting my arms around his slender body.

He pouted his lip out at me and gave me doll eyes as he snuggled up against my chest and got comfortable.

I patted his head and stood up from the kitchen floor with him. "Why don't we go finish the movie?" I offered. To that, he nodded quickly and skipped happily back over to the sofa. I smiled at him from the distance and caught up with him.

After the movie ended shortly later, Alex and I's bodies were close together, my arms around him. I turned my head and looked at the white box sitting on the small table near the front entrance of his house. "You see that box?" I said to which that caused him to turn his head and look around.

"That one?" He asked, pointing to it.

"Yeah, go get it." I added.

He got up and picked up the box, looking at it. "What is this?" He asked, walking back over to me.

"Open it." I smiled. He sat down on my lap and I rested my chin down on his shoulder.

He pulled the blue ribbon loose and it slipped off. Then he opened up the box and an immediate smile entered onto his features. Seeing his smile caused me to grin, and I kissed his shoulder softly.

As he picked up the pacifier out of the box, he turned his head to look at me. "It's so pretty." His eyes glimmered. He looked down back at the box and replaced the pacifier in his hands with the teether beads. He gasped and looked back at me again. "A clip too?" I chuckled and gave him a nod. He turned his body faced towards me and gave me a big hug. "Daddy, you really didn't have to get me those."

I wrapped my arms around him tightly and held him close. "You deserve it. I cleaned everything properly okay?"

His smile was stuck to his face and he pulled away from our hug, putting both of his hands on my face and he looked down into my blue eyes. "Thank you so much." He said and pressed his own lips to mine.

"You're welcome, baby." I smiled, my cheeks felt warm and I looked up at him as he sat on my lap.

He reached back and picked up the box, seeing the bubbles and the stickers. "The person that made the pacifier sent those as extra's so I figured you'd enjoy those too." I said.

He giggled. "I love bubbles." He opened the tiny bubbles container and blew into the wand, small bubbles floated in the air next to us.

I chuckled. "Let's go up to your room and put these away before your mom and dad come home, okay?"

He nodded and got up off my lap, holding out his hand for me to grab it. I took his hand and we walked up the stairs to his bedroom.

"Where should I put it?" He asked.

"Is there some sort of a drawer or a box you could keep it in?" I wondered, still holding onto his dainty hand.

"Hm." He thought. "Oh! I have an area in my closet I could put it. I could keep them in the box you gave me." He smiled up at me and let go of my hand, putting the box in his closet.

"Good idea, baby." I said and watched him.

Alex seemed very happy about getting his first pacifier. The smile he was carrying from the moment he opened the box, hasn't left his beautiful face quite yet.

He turned around faced to me with the baby blue pacifier in his mouth. My head tilted slightly in awe and I held out my arms. "Hi pretty." I spoke out in a gentle tone.

He waved to me with an open and a close of his hand and stepped close to me, leaning into my arms. My baby looked precious and so tiny. "You like it, dada?" He asked me, his voice muffled from the pacifier being inside his mouth.

"Yes baby, I love it." I placed my hands on each of his hips as he stood in front of me and in between my legs. I gave him a soft smile that showed my dimples and kissed the pacifier that sat over his soft lips.

He smiled wide and came back into my arms, his head resting over my shoulder.


Today is the day that Alex leaves for Disney. Last night was a hard goodbye, we made every last second count before I had to go home. I won't see him until next Wednesday, unfortunately. Knowing that I won't be able to see him for that amount of time made my heart ache more, even though it had only been 13 hours since I last saw him.

Maybe I'm just being dramatic.. but Alex really does mean that much to me.


During the school week, Wednesday and Friday were just work periods. I had a science test on Thursday. I've felt completely overwhelmed with school work. I have a drama summative to work on, a history ISU, and a science ISU. Then after all that is complete, I have two exams.

At home was boring. I felt like all I did was study, write and research. All that made me get tired faster than usual, too.


Now, it's Sunday. I never realized how lost I was without Alexander. Falling asleep has been harder again, being with my friends didn't seem as fun without him there with us. For some odd reason things are just hard without him here, even though he's only gone for a week. The only way of us contacting each other was over text. We've had a few face time calls which has cheered me up but other than that, I really miss his touch and his embrace. I miss everything about him. The days started to pass by slower again as well.

As I fall asleep that night, I pull Cotton close to me. He gave him to me the night before I left his house, so I'd have something that makes me feel closer to him. Alexander's scent was starting to fade off of the stuffed bear. I frowned, closing my eyes.

Three more days, Richie. You can do it.

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