chapter eight

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I woke up from the morning light shining through my window blinds and right onto my face. My eyes opened and a yawn forced my mouth open. When I rolled to my side, the first thing I thought of was Alexander, as to which I frowned. As much as I enjoyed having him over yesterday, I feel more confused. Do I care for him as a friend or more than a friend?

My phone started ringing, which startled me a bit. I sat up seeing that it was Ava calling and pressed the green button that accepted the call, leaving it on speaker.

"Hello?" I said with my voice sounding raspy and sleepy.

Ava seemed pretty excited to hear from me. "Hey! We are all going to Abby's house in 20, meet us there?"

Only twenty minutes? We usually go at night, not the morning. I just woke up, plus I have zero motivation to even leave my bedroom right now.

I created an excuse, "I'm not feeling well, I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow or something, have fun."

"Aw, okay. Feel better." She said.

I got up and used the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and combed my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and lifted my arms up stretching, along with another yawn. I threw on a pair of comfortable sweatpants and a black graphic t shirt before making my way down the stairs.

"Good morning, Mom." I said when I brought myself into the kitchen only to see she wasn't there. My Mother was in the kitchen making breakfast everyday at this time during weekends. 10 o'clock AM sharp.

"Mom?" I said louder so it could echo through the house. No reply. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion before I took my phone out of the pocket in my dark blue sweatpants, and sent her a text.

To, Mom
"Hey, are you home?"

As I waited for her to text back, I took a tangerine out of the fridge and started to peel the orange skin off, throwing piece by piece away into the composter. I put the first little slice into my mouth and felt a vibrate come from my pocket. It must've been Mom replying.

From, Mom
"No, darling. I should've let you know, sorry. Katherine came to set with me today, she begged so I had to give in."

Ah, okay. She's at work. My Mom is a movie director. A pretty awesome job. Not to mention we also get the privilege of living in a nicer, gated part of Denver. She works hard for the money she makes us. My mother is my role model. I want to be successful like her when I grow older. Which.. won't likely happen at the rate I'm going at now. But Iv'e gone to acting classes ever since I was little and it's still my passion. Maybe that'll get me somewhere. To get to the point, I like having the house to myself. It gives me more free and alone time.

I stared at the side of the fridge while I chewed on the slices of my tangerine and sighed at the memory of why there's a small dent in the silvery grey metal.

One time years ago, my Mother and Father were in a huge disagreement. My Father being too drunk to realize what he was even saying. He was yelling at my Mother. I decided to stand up for her, getting myself involved. He didn't like the fact I wasn't on his side. So he took the front of my shirt in his fist, putting his furious face inches from mine, spilling out a sentence full of cuss words. "Mind your fucking business, kid. I'm sick of you getting involved in our shit, I'm going to give you five seconds to get your ass out of this kitchen before I do it for you." But I didn't go, I couldn't go. I refused to leave my Mother there with that piece of shit all alone. That's when he shoved me into the side of the fridge, my elbow leaving a dent. "You're a disappointment, Richard." Those four words have stuck with me, ever since.

My nostrils flared and I swallowed the lump in my throat which felt like a big rock.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

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