chapter two

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I woke up from my provoking alarm going off again, opening my icy blue eyes. I push the blankets off myself and get out of bed. Today I dreaded going to school, more than normally.


After I got out of the shower and changed into the outfit I chose. I put on a necklace, sprayed on my cologne, ruffled my hair and brushed my teeth.

When I walked downstairs, my little sister, Katherine ran up to me and wrapped her arms around my torso.

Katherine was now eleven years old. She is around 5'2 feet tall now, with long, dark brown hair and blue eyes. The two of us look alike. My whole family is tall. She looks up to me, which isn't exactly a good thing. I love her and I want her to grow up living a life she deserves.

~trigger warning, suicide mention~

Both of us struggle with dealing with the fact our little sister passed away at such a young age. Our father is gone, too. He was the one who caused it. An accident, of course. He was an alcoholic. He was drunk every evening, sometimes in the morning. When ever he was home, all that filled my nose was the stench of an assortment of different boozes and beers. His addition to drinking and his borderline personality disorder caused him to abuse my Mother and I. He'd also leave suicide and self-harm threats, and his mood swings were extreme. Anyway, they got in a car accident. My sister passed from hitting her head too hard. My Father didn't actually die from the accident, though. He took own his life a week after my sister passed away. I guess he realized all the harm he caused his family. I think he mainly did that because he didn't want to go to prison, though. He was an asshole. I don't exactly miss him. All he ever did was make me unhappy and left me with terrible childhood memories.

I ended up seeing my Father dead in the bathroom since I heard my Mothers blood curdling scream. There was a pool of blood on the floor, his light grey shirt was soaked in that dark red color. I kind of just stood there without any words being able to escape my mouth. I was traumatized. Every single night it took me about two hours to fall asleep, I couldn't leave my Mothers side, I couldn't even go to school. My Mother put me in therapy to heal from what happened. I was diagnosed with both PTSD and depression. So, to this day I take antidepressants, and smoke weed as coping mechanisms.

I hugged her, and said goodbye to her and my Mother, who has also suffered a lot.

When I walked inside the school, I waited by the side door of the school alone. A small physique walked right past me, a scent left a trail behind in the air. It was a comforting smell. Pretty, like vanilla. My eyes followed the body who appeared to be him again.

That Connor guy met the small boy at his locker. All Connor did was grab his chin and kiss his lips, while no one was around except me which caused my eyes to slightly widen.

Connor then ran down the empty hall and met up with his little buddies from the rugby team, without a word being spoken. My eyes were glued to the boy, in complete shock. He looked around himself, his face toned a bright red. It looked as though he was seeing if anyone saw their kiss. He spotted me. Our eyes locked for a quick second until I forced myself to look away. My heart started racing. I looked down at the tile floor beneath my feet.

I lifted my eyes to peek at him a few seconds afterwards. His textbook slipped out of his hands and fell to the floor.

Before I would think, my feet lead me over to him and picked I up his textbook before he got the chance to. I handed it back to him. He slowly took it back as he starred up at me. A faint hue of rose creeped over his face. He was shy.

"Thank you.." The boy said quietly as he put the math textbook into his backpack.

With a nervous nod and no other words spoken, I turned around to go to my class. My heart felt like it was beating right out of my chest. I had never been this nervous to talk to someone before.

"Um.." He continued the conversation to which I turned my head. The boy twiddled the string of his sweater in his hand. "Are you Richie?"

"Yeah." I turned myself back around to face towards him. "What's your name?" I looked down at him, the same time as he looked up at me. His eyes were amber, and few freckles splattered over his small nose.

He blushed from our eye contact and looked back down to his feet, with his hands stuffed in his pockets. "Alexander.."

He was very softly spoken. Standing next to him felt so different than seeing him from a distance. The boy was petite. He looked like he could be about 5 foot tall. I was 6 foot tall, that's a whole foot difference. Neither of us were finished growing yet, though.

I took him to his first period class. "I'll see you around, Alexander." I wonder if he noticed that I knew where his class was or not, he didn't have to tell me a single direction.

He smiled a bit, along with a nod and a wave.


Emma saw me sitting in my class early. That was very unusual for me. She waved me out of the room, so I left class and walked out to her.

"Is everything okay? You've seemed off." Emma wondered.

"No I'm okay, go to class, I'll catch up with you at lunch." I leaned down to give her a small kiss on her cheek.

Emma walked away without saying anything in return.


I saw Alexander and Connor sitting at the same table today during lunch hour. I stared at the smaller boy until Emma sat down beside me.

"Can we go somewhere alone?"

My eyes trailed down to her just as I was about to begin eating. "What for?"

She rolled her eyes and stood up, grabbing my arm, but I took her hand off. I followed her to one of the upstairs stairwells where no one is. Suddenly, she pulled the collar of my shirt down towards herself and pressed her lips against mine.

"I don't want to do this." I pulled my face away.

Emma looked up at me and huffed. "What's going on, Rich?"

I shrugged not having any explanation, which made her storm down the staircase. A sigh escaped my mouth and I took myself to the near upstairs bathroom to be by myself. Alexander walked in not too long afterwards. I was sitting on the edge of the bay window, I hadn't noticed he walked in.

"Everything okay in here?" Said a gentle, familiar voice.

The soft voice distracted me from my confusion, I turned around to see his caramel eyes were on mine, his pink toned lips formed into a small friendly warm smile.

"Yeah, all good"

I got down from the window and took a step closer to him.  His blonde locks were a little messy, a few strands let loose over his face. I could sense he wasn't intrigued by the idea of using the bathroom in front of me once his smile slowly faded from his feminine features.

"I'll give you some space."

I walked out of the bathroom and waited outside the door. He came out about a minute or two later. He had a light blush on his cheeks from embarrassment.

"Hey, it's okay" I told him, lightly patting his shoulder.

"I have to go.." He said in an anxious tone of voice, looking directly in front of himself.

He left before I could respond. My eyes followed him as he walked away. He met up with Connor Gleave. The bigger boy glared straight at me. I couldn't hear voices, but he seemed to be lashing out on him. I wanted to go over there and do something about it; but it wasn't my business.


After school ended, Connor approached me at the side door when I was about to leave..

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