chapter twenty three

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Today is Christmas Day. December 25th.

I hear my door clack open even though I'm nearly asleep. Katherine runs to my bed and jumps up and sits on top of my back. She does this every single year.

"Wake up! It's Christmas!!" She said excitedly and ruffled my hair around.

"I know, can you get off of me so I can actually get up." I said in return, annoyed with her jumpiness.

"Ugh you suck balls. You're probably just gonna go back to sleep." She said as she got off of my back and sat down on my bed beside me with her arms crossed.

"Yeah well what time is it?" I turn my body from on my stomach to laying on my side and check my phone for the time. "Katherine, it is 6:04 AM." I set my phone back down and put my face back into the pillow.

"Nooo stop, get up." She said and flicked my head, practically as hard as she could.

"Oh my god, you're actually annoying." I sit up in bed because I know she wouldn't give up if I kept laying down.

She mischievously giggled and hopped off of my bed. "Santa came! Come see!"

Katherine still likes to leave cookies and milk out for "Santa" every year. Both of us have both known the truth about that since we were young unfortunately, so she still likes to pretend.

"Okay, I'll be downstairs in a minute." I said, letting a yawn escape from my mouth.

"If you fall back to sleep, I'll just come back upstairs and do the exact same thing again. I hope you know that." She furrowed her eyebrows towards me, standing by the entrance of my bedroom door.

"Trust me, I know." I said, still annoyed that she woke me up so early.

She giggled and ran down the hallway to go wake up my Mom, too.

I got out of bed and sleepily walked to my closet to put on a sweater, socks and sweatpants.

The first thought that came to my head once my mind became more alert of my surroundings, was Alexander. I got back over to my bed and sat down on the edge, picking up my phone and unplugging the charger cord from it.

To, Alexander
'Merry Christmas Baby. I'll see you later'

After texting Alexander, I brought my phone with me downstairs in case he texted back.

When I got to the bottom of the staircase, I saw the tree surrounded by gifts. Our stockings were filled to the brim.

"Merry Christmas!" I heard my Mom say from the top of the staircase. When I turned around, I saw her and Katherine making their way down the stairs with wide smiles spread across their faces.

Seeing them so happy put a smile on my face as well.

Katherine scampered over to the coffee table which had a plate with nothing except left over cookie crumbs and an empty coffee mug.

"Santa came!" My mom said, obviously joking but going along with it, just to keep up the Christmas spirit.

Katherine giggled and unhooked her stocking from above the fireplace, then she sat criss crossed on the grey rug in front of the warm flames. My Mom and I both did the same.

Christmas morning has normally always been a great day in our family. It was always a day where nothing bad would happen, everyone would try to enjoy it the most we could. My Dad would make sure he had nothing do drink, and he would try his hardest to control himself. He always did on holidays. I always looked forward to Christmas because I knew it would be a day of feeling free.

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