chapter nine

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I had my hands in the pockets of my black jean jacket as I pace to school. The air was getting cooler as the days pass by. When I looked down at the gritty sidewalk beneath my feet, I thought about Connor Gleave coming back to school. I still wasn't sure if he was expelled or not.

I arrived after the thirty minute walk and got inside through the side door, the door I always enter from. I didn't see Alex at his locker this morning, so I made my way to the cafeteria. A small grin appeared upon my face when I saw the curly haired boy close his binder from a distance. As normally, I felt drawn to him. After a moment of thinking, I walked over to him and sat next to him before he stood up. He wore blue overalls with a white long sleeve underneath, and baby blue converse today.

"Morning, Alexander." I said, my dimples showed when gave him a warm smile.

He glanced up at me and painted a ray of sunshine all over his face. The world was a better place when Alex smiled. "Good morning."

"Come with me, I want to introduce you to some people." I said.

"Um.. who?"

"My friends, I want them to meet you."

"What if they don't like me?" Alex said, his voice going quieter as he slipped into his shyness.

"They will." I stood up from the table we sat at in the cafeteria. He got up as well and packed up his things. Then we walked into the atrium over by Abby, Gavin, Ben and Ava. Alex tapped on my arm, which made my eyes trail down to him.

"There's too many people." He whispered.

"If you want to leave, let me know."

Alexander shifted his body an inch closer to my body and gazed around the crowds of people that surrounded us.

"Hey!" Gavin said as he and I did a quick greeting handshake.

"Guys, this is Alex." I introduced him.

"Hey Alex!" Ava said with a smile that stretched from ear to ear.

He waved to her, chewing on his lip, he was nervous, but he was still able to put a genuine grin on his face.

"So you guys are friends?" Abby giggled, looking across at Alex. She was taller than Ava by three inches. The shorter girl had short dark hair, and the taller girl had medium length light brown hair with blonde highlights. The two of them looked like they were in a good mood this morning.

Abby's comment caused my eyebrows to furrow. The way I'm so off and on with Alexander confuses me, I need to chose what I want; and fast before I start confusing him, too.

Alex blushed and shyly spoke out, his voice sounding soft. "Hi.."

"It's nice to meet yo-" Ava started to say, just as Ben hopped in on the conversation and cut her off.

"What's good?" Ben said as he rested an arm up on my shoulder. Ben had almond skin, with curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was outgoing and very talkative.

"Yo you're fifteen tomorrow, Rich." Gavin said.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Richie, it's your birthday tomorrow?" Alex said, putting a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I want to get my permit but I haven't even studied for it yet, I'll get it soon, though."

"That's exciting." He empathized while looking still and uncomfortable.

"You're a shy one, huh?" Ben chuckled, looking down at Alex.

"Don't be rude." Ava joked and shoved him playfully.

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