Officer Down

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"We got an incoming Ambo." April said to me as I stepped into the ER

"What happened?" I asked walking to the ambulance bay as they arrived

"Chicago P.D officer shot twice in chest, pulse ox 70, bp 90/60."

"Alright let's get him into trauma two now! We got a name?"

"Antonio Dawson."

We got him on the table and got to work.

"Need an extra hand?" Dr. Isaac Walsh asked stepping in the room

"I won't say no, two GSW one in the chest, one in shoulder. The shoulder was through and through but one in his chest is still there." I said checking his pupils

"We got you Antonio. Where's X-Ray?" I called they got the shots and I could see the bullet was only about 6 inches away from his heart

"If he isn't the luckiest son of bitch alive." Isaac said over my shoulder as he looked at the X-Ray too

"I wouldn't say that just yet. I'm taking him up to the OR, can you page Cardio for me?" I asked him

"Yeah of course."

"Thanks and update his family." I said placing a hand on his shoulder then we took off upstairs

Isaac stood there in the mess of the trauma room smiling like an idiot thinking about Dr. Alayna Cortez. The women is a badass, she's shown that many times since she's arrived at Chicago Med from Detroit a little over a month ago. Yes, he had small crush but had has not acted on it, he was a little too shy but enjoyed being her friend, for now.

The surgery was a success, it was touch and ago for a while but under the watchful eye of Dr. Catherine Banfield, head of Cardiothoracic surgery he came out ok. I stepped into the waiting room that was filled with anxious cops and family members, it was clear to see this man was very well loved.

"Family of Antonio Dawson?" I called and the whole waiting room looked up, but a woman in red walked over to me

"I'm his wife, how is he?"

"He's going to be fine." I said and the whole room let out a collected sigh of relief

"He lost a lot of blood but we're giving him blood, but the bullet is out, it missed all major arteries and organs, so now he is stable and resting."

"Can I see him?" She asked and I nodded

"Of course, follow me." I said and she followed with a few officers trailing behind

"He's a little out of it from the anesthesia." I said then let them inside but the tall older man with gray hair stopped in front of me

"Are you new here?" He asked with gravelly voice

"Yeah newish, Alayna Cortez."

"Hank Voight, thank you for pulling him through."

"He pulled himself through I just helped him along the way." I said and he nodded then went inside. as my pager went off and I went back to work,

Later that night before I was getting ready to go home, I did one last round on my patients. Saving officer Dawson for last, his room was empty his family went home about an hour ago so he could rest. I was reading his chart from the past hour when he spoke up

"I heard you saved my life." I turned to see him awake

"Hey how are you feeling?"

"Like I got shot...twice." He said and I nodded

"Well that's because you did." I said and he gave a weak smile

"How are you feeling pain-wise? On a scale of one to ten."

"About an 8."

"Are you feeling ok on the morphine?"

"I feel great on morphine."

"Ok, I'll put in an order for more."

"Thank you, for everything."

"I'm just doing my job. Besides your mom is making me a plate of Bunuelos." I laughed and he nodded

"Sounds about right."

"She's sweet, your whole family is."

"Yeah I know, I'm blessed."

"Very, I'll get the nurse to get your meds and I will see you tomorrow. Get some rest."

I was headed to my car when Isaac stopped me

"Hey, would you like to get a drink?" He asked, with a slight blush he was sweet, but I don't sleep where I work

"Uh not tonight I'm beat." I said and I saw his smile fall slightly and I felt bad

"But how about tomorrow? On me." I said and he nodded

"Alright see you tomorrow."

"See you then."

The next night I was at Molly's with Isaac, this was my first real night on the town since I have been in Chicago. The night has been ok one of the owners of the bar Gaby is Antonio's sister so drinks on the house for saving her brother. Isaac was nice enough, but he was kind of a stick in the mud, I asked him to dance he said no, darts no, he just wanted to talk about he wasn't making much conversation

"I was hoping we could have gone somewhere quieter." He said in my ear

"I think this place is great, April recommended it, and Gaby is awesome. Are you not having fun?"

"I just I'm just not really a bar guy, maybe next time we can just go to dinner?"

"Sure." I said forcing a smile, which he returned. 'There is no way in hell I'm going out with him again' I thought. He excused himself to the bathroom, then we were going to leave when a group entered

"Hey Doc." I looked up to see a blonde guy walking over to me

"Um do I know you?"

"Sorry Jay Halstead I work with Antonio Dawson."

"Oh, nice to meet you."

"Mind if we join you?" He asked and I nodded, and he waved over three other people

"This is Erin, Adam, and Kevin."

"Dr. Cortez good to see you again." Adam said

"Call me Alayna please."

"What's your poison? On us for saving our guy." He said making me laugh

"Between you guys and Gaby I'm going to end up becoming an alcoholic." I said and they laughed

"Antonio is a big part of our family; we just want to show our gratitude." Erin said and I nodded

"I appreciate that, after all you guys do to keep the people of the city safe. Patching you guys up is an honor really."

"Hey are you ready?" Isaac said to me

"Actually, I'm going to hang out for a while, you're welcome to join us." I said and he looked at the Intelligence crew

"No, I almost forgot I picked up a 5am shift, but I can drop you off."


"I'll take her home." Erin spoke up and I gave her a grateful smile

"Erin is taking me home, so I'll see you tomorrow." I said and he nodded and I turned back to my table and enjoyed the rest of my night.


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