Chapter 32: its not over until they remember.

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Gazzy's point of view.

I know it seems a little dirty minded but I missed Lilly so much and I can barely stand the thought of being away from her.

We get to the tree house and sit on the bed. It's been 2 years since we found Lilly. I rap my arms around her waist and pull her in. I kiss her not ever wanting to let go. She puts her head on my chest and starts quietly singing. We lie down and fall asleep

We wake up early and head home. We walk in the house and Lilly goes to the kitchen to make us something to eat. The others are still asleep so we have leave to go to the gym.

Lilly always liked the gym. She would go there to sort things out. We get in to separate arenas and find a sparing partner. 5 minutes later a yell done turning around to find Lilly smiling at me. " What took you so long?" "Shut up"

I kiss her as she steps into the ring. Her hands are wraps in cloth and j have groves on. We were just about to start when a man comes by and stops Lilly

" Lilly. Don't forget u have a fight tomorrow night. You're also subbing for josh on Wednesday "
" Got it coach"
" Oh! And to beat that boy to hard okay"
"I won't "

I'm about to punch Lilly when she turns around. Instead she dodges it and is up in my face her first mm away from my ear.

" Your face is wide open"
" Shut up and give me yours"

She goes on her toes and I kiss her. We head back home for the day. We go to my room and sit on my bed when I ask her.

" Do you think this will ever end?"
" This life we're living"
" It won't end or go back to normal until the flock remembers"
"Remembers what?"
" Not even you remember do you? that night. The night everything changed"

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