Chapter 14: it's good to be home

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Fang's Point Of Veiw
We've been looking for her her for three weeks with absolutely no luck at finding her. Could she really be dead. I'll think about it more in the morning. I go to bed and try to sleep.
At about 1 in the morning I hear someone walk in my bedroom. I jump up just to see my little Heaven on the ground startled. "Lilly!!!" I whisper so that nobody wakes up.
She smiles and jumps at me giving my a great big hug. I hold onto her and hug her back. " Hi fangy" she says. My hold nickname she gave me when we were little. She gives a little yon and nuzzles her little face into my neck.
I crawl into bed and lay her down beside my. " I love you little sis." I say. "I love you to big bro." She replies. In minutes i fall asleep with her curled up at my chest.
The next morning I wake up before everyone else. Lilly looks at me sleepily. I pat her on her head and tell her to go back to sleep. I pick her up and carry her to her room. I lay her down and tuck her up. I stroke her hair and sing her a song that I used to sing to her. That's right I - Fang the dark and quiet one - sang. After a few minutes she fell back asleep.
lilly's Point Of View
Fang leaves after a few minutes and I peacefully fell asleep. A few hours later and Gazzy walks in.
Gazzy's Point Of View
I wake up and walk to the kitchen but when I pass Lilly's room I hear calm breathing and quiet muttering. I look inside and I found little Lilly sleeping. Oh My Gosh!!!!!!! Lilly's back and alive!!!!!!!! I walk into her room and sat down by her bed.
I stroke head and speak softly to her. "Hey there sleepy head. Lilly. Lilly." I say. She moans then looks at me with a sleepy smile. " Hey Gaz" she says. I look at her and start to cry. She sat up and rubbed her eye. Damn it she's so cute when she does that.

"Gazzy why are you crying ?" She asks as she gets out of bed hugs me.
" I. . .I . . .I thought I had lost you forever." I say still cry
" We'll I'm here do no more crying" she said kissing me on the Cheek.

Lilly's Point Of View

Gazzy stops crying and kisses me deeply on the lips. We kissed until we were both out of breath. We look at each other and walk out the door. Gazzy heads to the kitchen first and I walk in behind him.

Once I'm in the kitchen everybody stops and and looks at me. In a matter of seconds everyone is hugging and crying. They all say how worried they were and how happy they are to see me.
" It's good to be home" I say

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