Chapter 19: Fang's a secret rock star!!!!!!!

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Fang's point of view
Lilly walks into my room and locks the door. She is holding a folded piece of paper and smiles.

Lilly's point of view
"No. No. This can't be real. We haven't in 2 years. "
" well we just got a come back performance in the biggest stadium ever for May 12."
" That's only 2 months away."

We walk out and the flock is watching the tv.

'After two Long years they have finally returned. The Mystery kids are back folks on May 12.'

" OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! THEIR BACK !!!!!!THIER FINALLY BACK!!!!!!" Nudge squealed.

" Nudge I'll get the duck tape out if you squeal like that again" (Max)

" You guys like them?"( Lilly)
" Do you guys want to go to the concert"(fang)
Fang and I look at each other.
" Well then we'll go" Fang and I say holding 7 tickets.
" Ella and her mom our joining us to. Front row." I add.

They stare at us. "Well let's go celebrate" (Fang)

Fang's point if view
After we get back Lilly and I go into her room and lock the door. She pushes a button and it turns into a huge music studio.

We lay all the lyrics that we both wrote over the years on the floor. We had over 100 new songs and about 150 other songs that we never released. In total we had 500 songs (250 old songs and 250 new songs).

We picked up our electric guitars and started to practice. The rock star twins are back

Hey to all the readers. First off thanks for reading. Second of all I'll write the songs/ lyrics in a second story and Fang and Heavenly's rack star life in a third story. Thx 4 reading.

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