Chapter 21: amnesia. - who are you?

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Lilly's point of view

When we get home we are all laughing and smiling. My cell phone starts ringing and I answer. I for the news paper.

Lilly flock
" That was my boss. I need to go write a rapport on tonight's show"
"Now?" Gazzy
" yeah. Sorry. I'll be back by midnight promise. "
"Kay" flock

I walk into my room and start writing. A few minutes later fang walks in.

" All the money from tonight's show is going to the orphan inch. And the stars will be spending their time setting up shows and meetings and albums for their next show."

Fangs point of view

I nod and kiss her on her forehead.
" Get some sleep okay?" Fang
" Okay" Lilly
I walk out with a smile on my face. Lilly bolts out of her room and out the door in seconds.

Lilly's point of view

I burst through the door and jump off the cliff. I fly and land on the roof of my bosses place to give him the rapport. I jump to the windowsill and nock on his window. He opens up and takes the papers. He laughs knowing it's from me even though I'm not there.

I turn around to find the group of thugs who attacked Gazzy and I.
" Well. Well. Well. Who do we have here. Looks like we got that little girly who hid behind her little boyfriend. Where is he now uh?!" Leader
" Wha. . .what are you doing up here. " Me
" Looking for I bit fun and I think we just found it." Leader
they all start laughing as they move closer towards me. I back up to the edge and stop. They stop in front of me and push me off the roof of the 100 story building.
"Gazzy!!!!!!! Fang!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!"
I sreamed at the top of my lungs. I curl up and try to lessen the damage. I hit the ground hard. Every thing went black.

Gazzy's point of view

" Gazzy!!!!!!!! Fang!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!"
I hear Lilly and run past fang's room and he comes running behind me. He probably heard her too.

We bolt our out the door and zoom to where Lilly was. I land seeing her and sprint as fast as can. She is unconscious on the ground with her head in a puddle of blood. I pick her up but I can't feel her wings. That's right she can make it seem as thou she has no wings.

Fang comes out and sees all the blood
"We need to get her to the hospital and ask for doctor Jeb. "
I nod and fly to the hospital.

Fang's point of view

Gazzy carries her. We run into the emergency area and I yell the code
"7782469 delta red Jeb"

Everyone stops and lets Jeb and the others through.Lilly is placed in room 737 and hooked up to special machines. I tell Gazzy that we should head back home and tell the flock.

Max's point of view

Fang and Gazzy walk in and call for a flock meeting. They tell us that Lilly is in the hospital unconscious. After they explain questions are asked.

"Who did it??" Nudge
"I think I know" Gazzy says this looking at me and I know who right away. I nod and Gazzy and Fang leave.

Gazzy's point of view

I take Fang and we fly to the roof of the building Lilly was found at. The thugs are there to.

"Well. Well. Well. Look who we got here. It's little chicken and pretty boy."
I step forward and fang grabs my arm. I can see the fury and pain in his eyes. I nod and sit down. The thugs start to laugh.
" You the idiot who pushed Lilly off the roof. " Fang
"So what if I did" leader
" Dam basterd that was my sister" fang
They all stop laughing when they see Fang with tears running down his face and his eyes red. The guy looks scary. Even I don't want to be on his bad side.

Fang's point of view

I lunge at the leader and start beating the crap out of him. I hold him over the edge.
"How would you like it if I did this to you"
The kids face goes white
"Fang. That's enough. They aren't worth it. Let's go see Lilly." Gazzy says in a cold ,dark, and calm voice. It's a bit creepy for a kid his age.

I let go of the little runt.
" Don't you ever hurt family again." I warn in the same voice Gazzy had. We both jump from roof to roof. On our way to see my little sis. I hope you're okay Lilly.

Gazzy's point of view

We get to the hospital and go to Lilly's room she is Sitting on the windowsill looking out the window. She turns her head to see us. But she was different. Her right eye was glowing red and from the middle of her forehead to the middle of her right cheek was a bubbly purple. With a emotionless face and tone all she said was "who are you"

Maximum fanfic.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora