Chapter 9: who I really am

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Fang and Lilly
"So?" replied Fang
"What is your last name?"
"No you real last name."
"I don't know. why?"
"Think. Think really hard on what it is"
". . . . Death?!"
" Do you remember me now? Do you remember how you got to the school "
"I was born there"
"No!!! they messed with you memory."

"What do you mean?"
" Don't move this might hurt a bit"
I walk up to him and put my hand on his cheek. I close my eyes and try to find his real memories. After a few minutes of silence and flash back of memories he put his hand on mine and looked at me
With tears in our eyes he says" I thought you died. I thought I had lost you for ever. My little Heaven. "
With those words I knew he remembered me
"I would never leave you. Big brother. "
We hug for what seemed like hours with tears running down our dirty faces. After the hug Fang had lots of questions .
"Are you still dying???" he asked
I moved my hair away from my eye and nodded. Fang just smiled and we should get some sleep if we were going to make home for breakfast. We cuddled up together like we used to with my head on his chest and our jackets on top of us we drifted of to sleep. It was the first time I had slept peacefully since we were separated.
When I woke up Fang was singing softly and stroking my hair. We stayed in like that for a few minutes then got up and went home.

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