We suddenly got to our feet and ran towards him . But he just bent over and coughed out ichor. Whatever he had done had used a lot of his power. My other siblings had gained consciousness and were following us. To my shock , Percy fell forward onto his stomach. The spear went further inside his body and  emerged from the other side . He just groaned in pain and lost consciousness.

I knelt next to him and pulled hi head in my lap. No . He couldn't be dead . There had to be some way to save him. I turned back to see Metis freeing the others from their bonds. As I looked at the other corner of the room, I saw that the three evil titans sent by father were standing. But they were clearly in no shape to fight . They just glared at us in hate and flashed away.

Suddenly, Hestia placed her hand on my shoulder and flashed us away. I looked around to see that we were near the beach where we had first found Percy. All the others were also present there. They were looking at Percy with sympathy. Meanwhile Poseidon  pulled out the spear from Percy's stomach and lifted him up and placed him in the water .

The water had an immediate effect on his condition. The colour started to return to his face and his wound started to heal. The blood flow reduced dramatically.

I looked at Metis and said," What the hell happened to him? All I remember is flashing to the hut and see mother tied in chains. Then I felt a pang of pain in my head and I passed out."  The others nodded to this .

She looked just as shocked as she was before. But then Zeus went to her and pulled her into a tight embrace. She immediately calmed down and pulled him in for a kiss. Zeus was shocked along with the rest of us, but he quickly kissed back.

Hestia and Demeter squealed in delight and the boys just grinned . "Cut it out guys. You can suck each others faces later on  . Right now please tell us the story." They pulled back quickly and both were embarrassed. They wouldn't even meet our faces . Then mother said, "Finally! After fifty five years of waiting you both finally get together. Honestly it was getting really annoying."
They turned as golden as Kronos's eyes. Mom just snickered and asked Metis to recount the recent events .

She was still flustered, but she said," When Percy and I appeared at the house, we saw that you all were on the floor , tied up. That's when Krios , Tethys and Oceanus came forward and taunted us. They said that Percy was the greatest threat to Kronos right now and that he wanted him dead or alive "

We were shocked that Kronos had sent three major titans to capture Percy . He must have been really worried if he had sent three major titans.

Metis continued," Then Percy uncapped his swords and charged Krios and Oceanus while I took on Tethys. But the disadvantage was that Percy was at a very weakened state from your journey in the pit. He was at a third  generation titan level. The fight went on for about forty minutes . That's when I heard Percy roar in pain. I looked towards him to see that Krios had pierced his spear into Percy's stomach. Percy fell to his knees, but broke krios's spear into half. While I was distracted, Tethys tried to slice at  my chest. I moved at the last moment , but she sliced my shoulder, causing me to drop my spear. "

We were all looking at her with horrified expressions. She continued," I fell to the ground. Just as Tethys was going to stab me, she suddenly froze. I thought she was wasting time, but when I looked around , I saw that everyone except for Percy, me and Hades had frozen. Percy had somehow frozen everyone in time. That's when he mind messaged me to  put up a force field around me and you guys. When I did it, he opened his eyes . His eyes were pure golden, not the same gold like Kronos's, bit a warm gold color. His eyes were glowing with power. He let out a large scream and the three Titans were blasted backwards. The house was destroyed. The only reason we survived was because of my force field. "

Then she got a scared look on her face and she said," But the wierd thing was that even though I was the one to  put up the force field, I am not powerful enough to make a force field that is strong enough to withstand that blast. It was as if someone was supplying power to the force field."

We looked at Percy in awe and then shifted our gazes to Metis. We looked at her in confusion. I was the first one to react and said," What do you mean that someone helped you ? No one was there other than us and we were unconscious."

She was about to answer when a mysterious voice came from behind me.
" That would be us niece. "

(A/N.   Guess who the mysterious voice belongs to? Comment and give your views about the story so far . And please press the little option with the symbol of a star. It would mean a lot to me.

Also thanks to Bohemisk and caitie_a for your help in writing this fanfic. Couldn't have done this without you guys.)

Percy Jackson- The Cursed HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora