I snapped my head to look at Anne directly in the eyes, narrowing my eyes. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Anne laughed. "Do you remember two days ago when we had a night together in this office of yours and we both drunk pretty bad until I called Allie to pick you up?"

"Uh, yeah. What's the point?" I asked her confusedly.

"You were slurring something before Allie dragged you out of this office." Anne smirked.

"And?" I was more confused now.

"You said, 'I fucking hate you, J. But I fucking missed you too'. And did you see how Allie looked like? She was gawking. She was confused as to who you called them 'J' and I'm sure right now that 'J' is referred to Jordan." Anne smiled.

"Oh, fuck." I banged my head on the table.

Even in my subconsciousness I still remembered the nickname I had given to her.

And why didn't I remember about Thomas, who was my last boyfriend? Instead, I dreamed about Jordan. Oh, no.

Anne patted my shoulder again. "It's okay to feel the old feelings resurfacing, darling."

I mentally groaned. It was okay before I knew that she was fucking married.


I cooked dinner since I worked 8 hours straight, unlike the other days when I had to split my shift. Tomorrow was my day off so I took the chance to come home early. I didn't see Allie when I came home but I knew she was in her room, studying something because that was her hobby.

"Hey, mom." Allie greeted me when she walked to the kitchen.

"Hey, baby. How was your day?" I asked her, smiling.

"It was good. I went to the park with Becca." She slightly blushed. I smiled, I think she liked Becca a lot more than I could imagine. "Why are you home so early?"

"I took my 8 hours shift straightly because tomorrow is my day off and I want to lay in bed all day." I chuckled.

"That's great. We can watch movies." Allie suggested.

"Sure." I replied, preparing the food.

Allie sat on the kitchen island, she was on her phone, chuckling quietly some of the time and I smiled knowing that maybe she was chatting with Becca. Those two were too obvious.

"Who are you texting with, Allie?"

It took a minute before Allie answered me and I could feel my heart skipped a beat. She looked up to see me for a second before she smiled to her phone again.


Okay, I was wrong this time. It wasn't Becca. It was Jordan. And why in the hell did Allie text Jordan? And why suddenly I was curious about what they might be talking about? I placed a plate in front of Allie and I sat across from her.

"Hey, I'm having a dinner." Allie talked to her phone and I could hear noises on the other line.

"Well, have a nice meal, princess." I could hear Jordan's voice and it made my stomach churned when I heard what Jordan had called Allie, she did still remember it.

"Drive safe, okay?" I looked up to see Allie, she had the same expression when we FaceTimed everytime I was driving. "Mommy will kill me if I don't start to eat dinner."

Allie whispered the last part but I could hear it and I found myself smiling at her comment. And I heard the most angelic voice for the last ten years, Jordan laughed and it sounded so genuine.

And to my surprise, Allie called me 'mommy' instead of 'my mom' and it brought my old memories back because she called me 'mommy' when I was still living with Jordan. Allie used to call me 'my mom' whenever she talked to someone else but with Jordan, that was another case.

Oh dear god, this was bad. I felt like I came back to where when we were young and so in love.

"I'll text you when I'm home." I heard Jordan said.

Allie told her bye and she put down the phone once she hung up. I didn't know why but Allie looked at me strangely like I had been in some other dimension. "Are you okay, Mom?"

"Yeah, baby. I am." I tried to form a smile.

"Let's have a dinner then." Allie beamed.


"Mom?" Allie called me.

We both were laying on the couch, Allie was on the other end and our legs tangled together. This was the third movie we watched and my eyes hurt from watching the bright screen too long.


"Uh, can I go to Jordan's house next week?" Allie asked me scaredly.

I immediately looked into her eyes but she avoided the eye contact. She fidgeted her fingers then bit her nails some of the time. She did that when she was nervous.

"Why?" I asked her, not giving her the answer yet. My voice sounded so husky and I didn't know why.

"Becca asked me to accompany her to drive there." Allie replied.

"And what's the correlation between Becca wants to have a company and you meeting Jordan?" I asked in confusion.

"Becca is Jordan's niece." And I swore I was more than shocked right now, I was so sure my face turned pale.

This was ridiculous. Was that why Allie met Jordan awhile ago, because Becca was Jordan's niece? Oh, crap. My life was as hilarious as it could be.

"What are you going to do in there?" I asked her, still not answering her question.

"I don't know." Allie shrugged. "Becca just wanted to have some company. She doesn't get along with her sister and she asked me since I don't have any friends in here to spend my weekend with and I don't see why not. I help her plus I can meet up with Jordan."

I rubbed my temple, sighing hard but not too loud. I could sense that Allie was so tense right now and she was hoping that I could give her a permission but I felt so weird, I knew their bond was something else but I didn't know why it bothered me a bit.

"Just–" I paused, looking at her who happened to look at me too, I could see a glimpse of hope in those pretty eyes of hers. "Use protection."

"Mom!" Allie gawked, then she laughed and she jumped out of the couch, hugging me so tight until I couldn't breathe. "Thank you. I love you!"

And with that I chuckled and I saw happiness in her eyes. She clearly got the 'buy one get one free' on this one.

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