i'm alive

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oh hello i'm back
just came here to plug myself bc idk i'm kinda pathetic 🤷‍♀️

i'm writing a new ff 🤠
starring that guy over there bc gash i just can't get enough of him and i hope u can't too

jk i would never wish such hardship over y'all

as of now, it's not published yet since i am still writing a few chapters, but i am planning to publish it soon?? idk when soon will be tho, maybe next month or when i have more free time •-•

anyway, y'all can get back to ur jolly jollibee day now since that's all i have to say


When mathlete Shin Yena meets a boy in a school trip to Tokyo, she finds his personality intriguing as she's never met someone quite like him.

But, of course, you could never put your full trust in a friend you've just made in a span of a few days, but she gives him a chance, with the risk of having a close teacher lose all trust in her.

There's just something about him that she simply can't resist.

it's also not a heavy plot book bc dang those don't do me well

and yes, i did ruin the 60 chapters mark just to do this so i am in a little pain, and the only way to relive it would have to be streaming back door

yes i am telling y'all to stream IN life if u have the time bc this is jeongin's life and we're all just roaches disturbing it

okay okay imma zip now

give it a chance if y'all want to 🤩

if not, then oh well

aight aight adios 😎

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