Chapter 24

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"Sorry to knock on your door so early in the morning, Minju, but I'd just like to tell you that Mr. Park is inviting you to lunch," the manager comes to tell you.

All he really did was explain to you when and where to meet him, adding a slight tip on how to dress which was just casual. You also forgave him for apologizing on behalf of the hotel staff who had mixed up the plates. After you had closed the door, you suddenly felt a rush of excitement. Your wish seemed to have been granted, and it wasn't even 24 hours yet.

Honestly, you didn't know what exactly to say to Seonghwa. Although you had a clear motive to meet him again before you left, the only thing you really wanted to ask him was why he had helped you both.

You were sure most people would have taken young Minju and young Chris right then and there to sell your body parts or do some inhumane act just to earn some money, but he didn't. It was only until you had grown up that you realized how nice of him it was to take you home. He was basically the reason why you had been living your life the way you were, and you couldn't be more any more thankful.

Distracted by your thoughts as you went back up to your room, you had completely forgotten to inform the others about your absence that afternoon.

As per usual, you prepared for the day, and soon the boys were also awake.

Whilst in the bathroom doing your makeup, you saw Seungmin enter by the doorway at the end of the mirror in front of you, and an endearing smile made its way to your face, just in time as you added a tint of blush.

"Morning," you greet him, getting back to pampering yourself.

"Why is my girl putting on makeup?" He asks sleepily as he rests his head on your shoulder and wraps his arms securely around your waist, slightly wrinkling your clothes, but you didn't bother to shrug him off.

"It's a requirement. I'm just trying to be a good employee."

"I don't think you need it," Seungmin remarks and you get slightly flustered, forming a pout to replace the smile prior. He shifted his head to bury it in your neck, taking in your vanilla-scented perfume. As he smiles from the smell, he places a soft and lazy kiss on your skin.

"You like that?"

"No, it tickles."


You checked your wristwatch for the umpteenth time now, but only to see the slow movement of the hands. You groaned at how slow the time was passing, and you were growing nervous by the second.

Just earlier, you had seen Seonghwa walk across the lobby to get to his office. He had spotted you from a distance and waved hello, but you couldn't even wave back properly.

If a stuttering wave was a thing, that's what you would call what you just did.

Your nervousness was obvious, and you can't count the amount of times someone had asked if you were okay. One of those people was Seungmin. Once he had noticed your awkward stance, he walked up to you from where he was at once.

He was worried for you, but you had told him you were okay. Reluctantly, he went back to where he stood, and you let your smile let itself loose as he would glance at your direction every minute.

Soon, it was time for you to head up to the penthouse and change. You were happy that you were finally going to be able to face him as the guy who saved you 11 years ago, but the nervousness from a while ago never left.

You frantically paced around your room, trying to decide on what to wear. You had opened and closed your closet doors multiple times already, and yet you couldn't settle on an appropriate ensemble. The words of the manager repeated in your head torturously.

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