Chapter 20

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You started up the stovetop, placing a pot over it as you filled it with the now cold porridge.

You were craving it when you felt hungry just a while ago. After carefully making your way out of your bedroom to leave Seungmin to rest, that was the first thing you did.

As the porridge heated up, its aroma overcame the scent of leather in the penthouse, and you smiled as you breathed it in.

Slowly stirring the pot, you were excited to have a bite of the food. It smelled so savory and it only made you want to eat it more.

You covered the pot with the lid while you open the cupboard above to grab two bowls; one for you and one for Seungmin, just in case he was feeling hungry.

After waiting a little more to get it to the right temperature, you jumped as you felt a spiky coldness hit your shoulder, and the thinness of your shirt was not at all helpful.

"You got hungry so you left me to freeze?" You hear Seungmin exaggerate, moving over to your right, going in for what seemed like an attempted side hug.

"Food is important," you state, now using a ladle to divide the hot porridge into the two bowls, leaving some leftovers for any of the boys.

"But didn't you tell me that company was more important earlier?" He teases you, letting out a breath as he closes his eyes momentarily.

You giggled at his reasoning, bringing the two bowls to the couch as Seungmin followed behind you, dragging his feet. Laughing at his still half-conscious shape, you placed the two bowls down on the coffee table.

His messy bed-hair and at-home glasses was a combination you couldn't resist awing at freely, and you did it so much, Seungmin was used to it. Not to mention how fine he looks in a simple white tee and black jeans; the man was naturally gorgeous and no one could argue for otherwise.


You both finished your bowls of food earlier, and now, you were just using your phones while you sat comfortably on the couch.

You were quick to get bored as there was not much to do. Countless of scrolling-through-your-phone's later, your attention flew to focus on anything on sight, but there wasn't much to look at after staring out the gigantic windows.

Seungmin seemed to have been occupied; hence, you didn't want to disturb him. All he did was watch videos and play games, you were surprised he didn't get bored unlike you.

Although you were desperate to do something, you also wanted to just lay around, get rest. The two sides of you that battled for dominance have come to the conclusion that it was a tie, and you didn't know which side you would make win.

Just as you were caught in your predicament, Seungmin calls your name, but he doesn't look away from his phone, "Minju-ah."

"Yeah?" You were anticipating what he had to say as anything would be great for you at that point.

Even if he'd want me to give him a foot massage, I'd take it.

"If you couldn't tell already, you really mean a lot to me. And I don't want this to affect our friendship even though I know it won't since it's so strong, but I just want to say that I like you," he adds, but you were dumbfounded at the moment.

His sudden confession came to you as not just a surprise; you didn't know how to feel. You had never had someone confess to you so brazenly, especially from someone whom you considered family. But, at the same time, you were happy and pretty enticed. You felt relieved that he felt the same way, and you wanted to say the same to him, but you were frozen in place that even your brain couldn't process the information so quickly.

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