Chapter 21

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"My stomach still kinda hurts," you groan, sitting up straight as you push your stomach in with your hand, "but not as much."

"Then, you should just rest. I don't think we'd need a painkiller," Seungmin tells you. You nodded your head at his suggestion, thinking the same when he stood up from the couch, carrying you bridal-style as he brought you upstairs.

And although no one was there, you were strangely embarrassed.

"So, when you could've been the one carrying me, you let Minho do it? And watch as I had my ass slapped?" You question him, making him look down on you as he walked up the stairs.

"Yeah," he shamelessly replies, sending you a cheeky grin. You shook your head at his insincerity, knowing he was only playing a joke.

"And besides, if it was me that had carried you, Minho would've teased me about it," he adds as you reach your bedroom. Once again, he roughly placed you down on your bed and balanced himself on top of you with both his hands trapping your head in between, his knees supporting the lower half of his body.

"but that wouldn't really matter now, would it?" He continues, mocking your guys' now confirmed relationship.

A rosy tint flushed your cheeks not for the first time, but now, you weren't going to hide it.

It seemed like after Seungmin had confessed to you, a heavy weight was promptly lifted off of your shoulders, and you were finally able to let yourself loosen up. You no longer felt shy around him, and striking up random conversations went back to normal.

You didn't feel that impotence you once felt for being the first to speak, and you could definitely hold them for longer now. You didn't feel nervous or uptight whenever he did things to make your heart flutter anymore, and, sporadically, you'd do it yourself.

You loved the way you were now, and you wished nothing would happen to change this.

You thought about this as Seungmin filled your face with pecks here and there, and you enjoyed the fluffy feeling of his soft lips on your skin. You hoped that time would never pass, and that you could just lay in bed with your Romeo forever.

He ended it off with a long but delicate kiss on your lips, and you smiled as he let go.

"Yah. What if you get sick?" You playfully punch him on the chest, but your question was a little too late now as you've been stuck beside him since an hour ago.

"Then, you'll have to take care of me," he cleverly answers you, letting his body fall on top of yours as his arms wrapped around your waist for the millionth time today, and you grunted at the heavy weight.


Working hours were over and the four boys had come to rest. Since, again, there weren't plenty of guests that day, the manager let them off earlier, and also for you guys to enjoy more of this vacation.

Although you and Seungmin had made it official, you had chosen not to tell the rest as, in the words of your boyfriend, they'll have a stroke.

After deciding that you should all go out to a mall, the six of you changed to the appropriate attire and headed out on your journey. You thought of this as a nice way to cool yourself down, especially after the events that happened today.

Oh, and were you a bad granddaughter for not panicking about the current situation?

No, not really.

Seungmin had told you earlier that Chris, Hyunjin, and Jeongin took care of your problem and were already on their way to Korea.

You trusted them, so you didn't worry as much anymore. Besides, you got another text from Jungwoo earlier saying your grandmother wasn't in fatal condition.

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