Chapter 26

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"We're home!" You hear a loud yell from the living room.

It's been three days since Chris, Hyunjin, and Jeongin all left for Korea, and one day since the trouble between the six of you. Gladly, yesterday's dinner wasn't awkward at all; it was as if nothing had happened earlier that day.

But now, the other three knew about your relationship, and let's just say the teasing was incredibly excessive.

Maybe you got a little annoyed at first, but you soon adjusted to it as you could have never stayed annoyed at them for any longer than five minutes.

You were only chilling in your room with your boyfriend. It was already nighttime and all you wanted was to relax, but every minute or so, they'd come in one-by-one and ask you both about how things came to be. All the both of you would do was answer their questions for them, and they'd leave right after.

You found their nosiness and curiosity adorable, and that seemed to be the same case for Seungmin.

Well, it's been about 20 hours since, and the three had just walked through the doors, carrying nothing as they arrived from their spontaneous trip.

You heard their loudness from in your room, and you instantly stood up to run down, completely forgetting about Seungmin who was lying beside you.

As you momentarily stopped before the stairs, you saw the three kids, waving at you with prominent smiles on their faces. Smiles were contagious and it seemed to have affected you.

You made it to the bottom, and the first thing you did was run up to one of them, not really caring who it was. Excitedly, you brought your arms up to wrap one of the thin boys' waists, and you soon came to find out it was Jeongin.

He reciprocated your actions, squeezing you just enough so you were able to breathe. You couldn't stop your lips from growing wider, and it didn't matter if your cheeks were starting to hurt.

"Excuse me? We're here, too," you hear a sassy comment from Hyunjin. While laughing at his pettiness, you let go of the boy, but only to get pulled back into his embrace.

Soon, you noticed the presence of the rest who were in their rooms prior to coming out and seeing you and the three boys.

"Back off, slugs. She likes me the best," Jeongin snorts at the two as you snicker at his choice of words.

"I'm offended," says Chris, placing a hand over his heart to feign hurt. "You think she likes you the best? Please, if anyone, it would be me."

"Who do y'all think you are? Placing yourselves so high up there," Hyunjin speaks, brushing away his bangs arrogantly. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he shakes his head in disappointment, "It's obviously me."

"Says the guy who made her cry on her birthday."

"Oh, please, we were only 5, Jeongin, and she took my cupcake eraser. She deserved it."

Once again, you laughed at them, realizing that you missed the combination of those three over the few days they were gone. You watched them as they continued to argue over their relevance to you when you all turned your attention to Changbin as his low voice interrupted their high-pitched ones.

"Actually, you three morons," he starts, exchanging glances with the aware three who stood beside him, "fighting over who she likes best makes you look stupid now."

"Exactly, beavers. I told you it's me, you tell them, Binnie."

"No, Chris. Yo-" Changbin cuts himself off as he heaves a sigh, rubbing both his temples with his fingers. "Minju has a boyfriend now."

The atmosphere completely turned colder as you and Seungmin look at the four boys, appalled and, at the same time, wanting to punch off the irritating smirks on their faces. You brought your arms down from Jeongin, dropping almost lifelessly to your sides. You hadn't realized but your mouth was left agape and your eyes have grown wide.

"You found love in America?"

"Is he hotel staff?"

"Alright, which one of you clowns is it?" Chris ignores both shocked boys questions, and after a few seconds, the two seemed to have understood his question, nodding their heads in understanding.

You watched as the four pairs of eyes rolled to look to the right where Seungmin stood. You could tell he was taken aback a little as he stumbled back a few steps.

Hyunjin, following their gazes, puts his hand to his mouth and gasps dramatically, "S-Seungmin?"

"Three days!" Chris slaps his thigh. "We were gone for three days!"

"Wait, but that's actually pretty cool, hyung," says Jeongin as his face lights up, and you could see the glimmer in his brown orbs which made your heart soften.

"Exactly. Now, hands off," Seungmin snarls, grabbing your arm and roughly pulling you to him, causing the others to laugh at his jealousy.

"Hold on. Everybody shut up," you silence them after a thought hit you.

"What about my grandma?"

The three of them looked at you almost oblivious at first, like they didn't know of that topic, but Chris soon spoke for them.

"Oh, she's fine. Jungwoo's just a little melodramatic."

Instantly, you felt the minor panic ease off, and you exhaled deeply. Thank goodness, it wasn't anything serious. If something so bad would've happened, you wouldn't know how to live normally.

Your grandmother was basically your everything. She was the first person to come to your mind whenever you thought of family, friend, or companion. For all you knew, you loved her greatly and nothing could diminish that love for her.

"Then what happened to her?" Asks Jisung.

"She just got hit in the head with a frisbee, but it wasn't anything serious. Jungwoo just took her to the hospital because he was a little paranoid," Hyunjin explains.

"Which I scolded him for and for making us go back," Chris adds, emphasizing the first few words and raising his index finger.

"And I'm kind of hungry," Jeongin randomly remarks, making you all turn to focus on him now.

"Y'all want to visit that Asian food market downstairs?" You suggest, remembering the time you and Chris went as he gave you a small smirk.

Going there once definitely did not suffice for all the amazing products they provided. You felt your trip there was cut short, and the place was so big, you couldn't have explored that whole market even if you had been given three days to do so. Ever since you went there with Chris, you've been planning to go there after work, but you never had the time to go or you wouldn't have anyone to go with. There was Felix who was more of a night owl like you, but he would usually spend his nights on playing games when the rest went to sleep.

You all bought your snacks; chips, yogurt, juice, candy, ramen, and some other stuff you couldn't quite remember. The nine of you were in that market for about two hours or so, and by the time you had reached home, it was maybe an hour before midnight.

You all knew your faces were going to be puffy in the morning, but you guys couldn't care less as everyone was just craving for snacks they hadn't had in a while.

And as Jeongin quoted,

I ain't waiting for you sloths to start eating.


so i split this chap too bc it was rlly long

i felt u would've gotten bored and tired when i put it together, so i saved u the trouble and cut it right in half like a subway sandwich

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