Chapter 9

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"Yeah, that's all that happened," you say, finishing up the explanation to your wounds after the boys had demanded for it. After a while, you didn't think of it as much of a big deal, so explaining it with an ease made the boys confused.

You looked around the table, seeing their confused expressions. It made you laugh at how innocent they looked.

"How come I didn't see it? I was in the lobby," Jeongin, who sat beside you, asks.

You shrug at him. Yeah, how come he didn't see it? you thought to yourself. "Maybe you were in the bathroom," you simply play it off like it was nothing.

"Well, don't act like it's not anything big. My poor baby! Next time, you should just bow and leave," Chris exclaims from across the table. As everyone turned their attention to him, you couldn't help but think of how protective he was being to you, and you found it adorable. Sometimes, their overprotectiveness was kind of cute.

"Gosh, don't listen to that old hag, Min. You should punch them," says Minho, earning a chuckle from everyone except the said boy, or 'hag' in this case.

"Excuse me, but I'm only one year older than you and violence is never the answer, bonehead," Chris answers back smugly as he flicks Minho's forehead with his fingers. Name calling and forehead flicking were normalized between all of you. It was another way to show your guys' affection for each other and no one was really bothered by it.

You all continued eating, but the bandages were preventing you from holding the utensils properly. No matter how hard you tried, they would always slip off your hand and fall onto the plate, creating an almost deafening noise that brought other people's attention to your table as the metal clattered against the white, porcelain plate.

Felix was quick to notice this (as he sat on your other side). Without even asking, he grabbed your fallen utensils and started to cut your food up for you. After doing so, he fed you pieces of your food and ate his own while you chewed on yours.

It wasn't anything special, so you just thanked him for his kindness while showing your brightest smile.

You were enjoying your time because at least you were able to eat, but you didn't notice the two who kept their heads and their voices low, trying to be secretive.

"Operation MinMin? Slowly dying. Reason? Helpful butt-in," Jisung lowly whispers to Hyunjin, but Minho hears their conversation as he sat beside them.

"You know that's not going to work, right? There are three Min's here,"

"Shut up, Minho," Hyunjin sneers, but they both looked up at him after it hit them.

"You ship them, too?" Hyunjin asks.

"Oh, please. I was the first one to do so."


You had all gone back to the hotel after eating and were officially done for the day a few hours later. Everyone was at the penthouse, doing nothing as you all waited for dinner time to come around. Deciding to stay in your room, you lay on your bed, collecting your thoughts.

You suddenly thought about earlier; how Seungmin treated your wounds and how he took care of you. Strangely, you felt your heart flutter as you thought back to that moment. It was unusual since you've never felt that way for any of them, but then again, you've never had to come across that kind of experience before.

But for some reason, you couldn't stop the rapid beating. Your heart's palpitations were quick and your cheeks immediately rose to a blush. Good thing you were in your room alone, or else that would've been pretty embarrassing.

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