Chapter 30

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"Unless it defies the laws of gravity, your phone will be meeting the ground pretty soon," you playfully try to threaten Seungmin who soon held tightly onto the gadget in his hands.

For the past ten minutes now, all Seungmin was doing was taking pictures of you, sometimes warning you but most of the time, randomly. You were flattered at first but it came to the point where he felt like your photographer and nothing more.

All you wanted to do was enjoy the enchanting, blue sky with your boyfriend, but you felt he hasn't even noticed the beauty of the dark.

"Dang, Min, so feisty," he comments, bringing his phone down, a chuckle following his actions,

"but I like this side," he continues and you could see a sly smirk forming onto his lips, making you roll your eyes.

You scoffed briefly, thinking of how cheeky it was for him to say something Minho would. You sensed him inch closer to you, and soon, you found yourself enveloped in his warm embrace.

This was what you were looking for—having to enjoy the view from the tall building with the love of your life.

Love of your life? Yeah, love of your life.

Deep inside you knew how much he meant to you. He was one of the few things in the world you would nonchalantly risk your life for. Your conscience knew how deeply in love you were with this man.

But you were too shy to admit that just yet.

Taking in his scent of sugary, vanilla ice cream and admiring what God has to give at the same time, the perfect combination and just the right amount of sweetness and relaxation.

You watched as the countless, shining stars sprinkled the night sky generously, looking for all sorts of constellations. You were not fond of astrology, but every once in a while, you did enjoy having to spectate the elegance of each star.

Deep into admiration, you didn't mind Seungmin who stood behind you. As you were lost in fascination, Seungmin found something else to be fascinated by; or rather, someone else.


He worshiped your every feature; from your eyes, to your nose, to your lips—thinking how such person could be so captivating. To him, you had no imperfections.

To him, your big, brown orbs were the perfect shade, and they held a deep story in them; your pointed nose was faultlessly sculpted from the bridge to the tip; your soft, plump lips were the best pink, and the softest he's ever felt.

Your smooth, pale skin that reminded him of Snow White; your silky, brown locks that his hands would slide through without a hitch every time he ran it through; your small and petite frame that complemented your small face—he loved them all.

He could never understand how other people saw you and thought otherwise.

Truly, in his eyes, you were like a painting, drawn by Leonardo Da Vinci himself. Even if he tried so hard, he wouldn't be able to find a single flaw.


"Great. You both arrived just in time," Minho says as the two of you enter the house, seeing everyone spread across the living room lazily.

"You guys were waiting for us?"

"In your dreams, Seungmin, but we do need to tell you both something pretty weird, and also shocking," Hyunjin scoffs at him, walking up to you and pulling you both by your arms to accompany everyone else.

You both sat down side-by-side on the couch, looking up to everyone scattered around the living room. What was strange was that they didn't really look troubled or anything. When you heard Hyunjin say 'shocking', you immediately thought something was wrong, but their faces spoke differently.

"I don't know if you two've noticed, but the flight date on the plane tickets Seonghwa gave us is one week late," Chris starts.

"And the destination of departure is California, not New York," continues Jeongin.

You looked at them confused as you saw Seungmin do the same.

"And since we think it's just an error," Jisung adds, slowly and shyly turning to you as if he was skeptical about something.

"Could you go ask him for us, please?" Felix pleads, kneeling down in front of you like his favour was something so big. Soon, you and Seungmin found the rest in the same position as Felix as they all tried their best to convince you.

"Wait, why not Chris?" You silence them.

"Because Chris is a wimp,"


You shut the door behind you, still in great shock and confusion. As you held nine more pieces of the same hard paper you brought with you when you left earlier, the eight boys ran up to you, worried after seeing your not-so-expected reaction.

"I was actually waiting for the nine of you to talk to me about that. Honestly, took you longer than I had expected."

"So did he change it?" Jisung asks, ignoring your surprised state since he felt uncomfortable asking you about it.

Snapping out of your trance, you placed the 18 pieces of paper down onto the kitchen counter for them to see for themselves. You backed away a little to give them enough space, and the eight boys frantically ran over, gathering around the table.

You waited for them to realize what was actually happening.

"Trip to Los Angeles?" You hear Changbin wonder out loud, holding the plane ticket in his hands.

"Dang. We're pretty spoiled. Seonghwa isn't even our dad."

You silently agreed with Jisung. You felt so privileged at the moment that the happiness that would usually take over was completely dismissed. Yeah, you were pretty thankful, but you didn't want the hardworking man's money to be wasted on nine young adults.

You were definitely guilty and a little embarrassed that Seonghwa had done so much for all of you, even when it wasn't part of the deal. The ratio of your good works to Seonghwa's good works was probably one to a hundred.

Inside, you knew you didn't deserve any of this. As Seonghwa's rich ass would call it, it's only a 'thank you' gift.

The man didn't have anyone to spoil. No wife, no children, and his family was all the way back in Seoul where you first met him. It was only him and his wealth in New York, and frankly, he felt pretty bored with most of it since he wasn't the type to spend his money on luxurious things or things that are relatively useless.

"I don't want to be shameless, but it's just you guys here, so I'm going to be shameless."

"I'm kind of happy," Minho continues.

And to Minho's remark, everyone seemed to have learned how to accept the gift. At first, they had the same reactions as you when you first heard the news, but now, the eight boys felt a little more happy and grateful as they started to lengthen their, previously, shy smiles.

Before anyone could, Jisung says aloud,

"True. I'll be shameless, too. This is a dream I never thought I had."

i don't rlly have anything to say.
it's 1 am and i just finished watching Now You See Me with my parents and i am so freaking bamboozled rn

oh and i just added an extra part to this story.
idk it felt incomplete to just end it there so i made seonghwa a mom that spoils her children

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