Chapter Forty Six

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If Luz had had the time to mourn, her tears would have fallen long into the night.

Unfortunately, Chicago was awakening and a crowd of emotionally unstable immortals was waiting for them on the other side.

Jane pulled her up and brushed away her tears with the bottom of her tshirt.

-You've got this - she said staring deep into her eyes.

Luz didn't know if her friend was right, but she trusted her words for the time being.

The barrack was not safe. By the looks of the friable floor and roof, it had only survived for so long thanks to magic. Her mother's.

Now that she was gone, the tiles had started to spit out dust again and trembled precariously. Mat carried Isaac who had just started to wake up and together the limpered towards the exit.

Outside, Daniel had taken the lead of the situation. He clunched at his chest every once in a while and random tears were rolling down his eyes, but apart from that, he seemed to be copying pretty well with the whole emotions thing.

-I SAID do not start crying again. NO I DONT CARE ABOUT THAT PUPPY. - he was shouting in his walkie - talkie as another immortal approached him. -I NEED LOCATIONS, WHERE THE HELL DID YOU END UP... I ... Denver? Why did you ... the mist people told you ... and you got LOST? -

Mat coughed to capture his attention. Daniel turned, his eyes full of rage. -I guess we should thank you for this ... thing - he muttered bitterly. -Don't worry, we are no fools. The immortals of the mist played us. -

Jane laughed. -Yeah, welcome in the club. - she replied, but one look at Luz made her realise how much she was still hurt by her parents' final words. -Of course it's all water under the bridge now. -

Daniel looked at her friend, and a wave of desire crashed out so strong of his heart that any immortal in Chicago must have felt it.

The immortal clunched at his chest and gasped in surprise.

-What the NATURE WAS THAT? - he screamed, his voice an higher pitch than normal.

Jane smiled wickedly at her and winked. -Ah yes, this will be fun. -

Luz felt sorry for the hell that her friend was going to put him through.

-Daniel - she said capturing his attention. That was the first time she had spoken since her mother's death. Her throat felt as dry as the desert. -What were you saying about Denver? -

The immortal tried to turn his gaze away from Jane with scarse success. -They ehm ... the mist people had sent a scouting team of five to Denver to look for the mortal girl, Sarah, as soon as it was clear that Mr Dawson had no idea where she was. -

Isaac froze. -Did they ...? -

-They found them - Daniel stopped him. - But the immortal one intercepted the group and drove away. They were just about to capture them when ... well ... we got into this situation. The two of them incapacitated the team and took hold of the walkie - talkie, I was actually going to suggest ... -

Isaac snapped the device out of his hands and franctically beeped Andre. Luz's shoulders relaxed as she heard her friend's voice on the other end.

-They are all fine - confirmed Isaac, then shuffled away to talk with more privacy. Mat took a deep breath and Luz realised he had been fearing for his sister.

-We need to collect all the immortals and help them deal with feelings before their magic gets out of control - suggested Luz.

Jane nodded and snapped her fingers at Daniel. -We're on scouting duty sweetheart. -

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