Chapter Thirty Two - Part Two

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Isaac stopped playing with Andre's hair, interested all of a sudden. -Wait, what do you mean they cannot alter anyone's path? -

Mathias looked at them wide eyed in surprise. -Oh sorry guys I assumed you knew ... you know ... with the all being 1000 years old and all. My father used to say he could not spend a lot of time with me or my mum because then our paths would be intertwined. Granted, he was nuts, but I think he had a point. -

-He knew that if the mist people had somehow been interested in killing me, they would need an immortal who was already in the person's path. - he continued. -I thought he was crazy but ... well, when they asked me to kill Luz ... it only made sense. The mist people cannot actively kill you guys because no other immortal can ever come close to you, but I was already in her path. -

Emily felt the need to sit down. All along, they had been playing the game on the basis that the mist people had been ignoring their existence. Knowing that they hadn't killed them because they couldn't...

-Wait no, I have to stop you there - said Andre, a hand on her belly. - Several immortals have tried to kill us over the years and all failed. They could just send more our way. Like let's say ... 234. -

Isaac shook his head. -We were always the one interfering in one of their jobs, no one looked for us. -

The girl closed her eyes and looked at the luminous paths. She had never noticed it before, but they were always pointing in the same far away directions, like a compass. They changed shaped only in presence of a choice, but the general trend remained the same. They were only truly modified by major life changes, like when they met or after they risk their lives.

-Luz? - asked Mathias. -What do you think? -

-Your father was right - she confirmed. -I have always been able to ... see paths and they never change direction. I have a feeling that if anyone tried to kill us right now, the threads of the world would just compensate for it and the overall outcome would be the same. Since we are trying to stop the mist people ... the cannot risk killing us, or ...

Andre finished for her. -... Or the threads would find a way around our deaths to give an even more certain outcome. That must be why they put us into the mortal world years before killing the target. - she reasoned. -But how on Earth would you know about this, Luz? -

Mathias winked at her friend for using her nickname. Emily bit her tongue as soon as she had finished her words. She was not meant to know that, no one had ever explained it to her. There was no logic reason for her to know the ways of fate. Not without her revealing she could see glimpse of it, and her friends did not need an extra worry.

-I ehm ... Mat told me earlier- she lied.

Mat frowned at her mimicking a pull from his heart for her lies, but said nothing.

Isaac put his hands on his temples. -Ok so, we hide right? If they cannot find Sarah, they won't be able to do whatever they plan. And they won't look for her either until the elections ... which is in seven days. My best guess is ... we get the mortal out of town as fast as possible. -

Jane shook her head looking at the Magic Finder 2000. -There are at least ... 50 dots in the Chicago airport and 30 spread all over the stations. The only way is driving. -

-Then we drive - concluded Mathias. -I don't know about you, but I am definitely not gonna miss the Chicago pizza and the near death experience. -

The all agreed, except for Emily.

-I am staying. - she crossed her arms, daring anyone to object. -As soon as the election fails, the immortals will come looking for her. I will distract them. -

Andre threw another biscuit in her direction. - Not a chance, you dumbass. We are not leaving you alone as a walking bait. AND I know you are only doing that to finally find the mist people. -

"Damn, the is no going around a pregnant immortal" she thought.

Thankfully, Jane came in her aid. -She won't be alone, I will stay. - she raised her hands as soon as Isaac started to complain. -AND I told you all from the beginning: I am playing for this team as long as I get my revenge. Case closed. -

Emily released the breath she didn't know she was holding. Going against her mortal enemy was one thing, but doing it completely alone ...

-Uh revenge? Yeah I am signing up for that too, sounds like fun. - Mathias raised his hand. -Plus, none of you know how use the Magic Finder 2000. -

Isaac and Andre exchanged a long look. Right when Emily thought they would start making out, her friend turned around.

-What a big pile of shit! - she cursed, her hands protectively around her belly to prevent the fetus from hearing the words. -He's staying too. -

-What no! - she said. -Isaac is staying with you!-

-No he is not - he sighed. -I am your best magician AND medic. Andre only has to drive Sarah out of the town, potentially back to Denver. We need to give her as much time as possible. Distractions are easy to achieve with magic. -

As proof of that, he created a glowing hologram of himself on his right. As soon as Emily passed a hand through it, it dissolved.

The girl shivered, the illusion a strong reminder of what she had experienced with her own body. But she didn't let fear take over.

-Fine - she conceded.

She didn't like it, but at least they had a plan.

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