Is This It?

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As the car crashed bullets going everywhere I closed my eyes hoping and praying that this won't be my last time. I felt all warm and funny. I looked down and saw blood gushing from me. I put pressure to the pained area. I looked over and saw that Amp was not in the car. Where did he go?

I couldn't walk that good cause of the loss of blood so I walked slowly as I exited the car. Holding on to the car I walked over to the other car. It was most definitely Dave aunts car.

I didn't want to kill her but she was giving me no choice. She was like family to me. But she made that shit personal. Now it's just business. I looked in the car and saw Ovrette laying in the seat gasping for air.

I opened the door to see if she was almost dead or just pretending. I saw all the blood coming from her. She looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Please help me Ghost. Don't let me die." Ovrette said.

"And why should I do that huh? You and your mama tried to kill my fucking ass and now that your life is on the line you want a nigga to help you. I think not Bitch." Ghost said to her.

"Look don't do this. I can help you." Ovrette said as she coughs.

Ghost stood there for a second and look around.

"Nah I think I'll pass on that." Ghost said as he pulled his gun out.

"No no. Please don't do.." Ovrette said.

Pow pow pow!!!!

Ghost pulled the trigger three times shooting her in the stomach, chest, and head. When her hand fell and her head Ghost knew she was dead.

He walked around to see where Kiki was. As he walked he applied more pressure to himself. He was starting to feel light headed. He knows he has to finish this or he won't live to see the next day.

As he got to the other side of the car he saw Kiki there laying on the ground. She was too holding herself where she was hit. Kiki looked at Ghost and rolled her eyes.

"Bitch I don't want your pity. If you gonna kill me bitch then do it." She yelled at Ghost.

"Fine." Ghost said and shot her mafia style in the head twice.

Walking away from the car he was still trying to find Amp and Aunt Marie. He knows they can't be too far. He walk a little and then leaned against the pole. He was really starting to feel really weird.

"Amp! Where you at man?" Ghost hollered out as he looked for him. He walked around the curb and saw Marie and Amp standing at each other holding a gun to each other heads.

I knew this shit was about to get real. Amp don't care about killing nobody and neither does Aunt Marie. I eased my way over to where they were. I didn't make a sound. I didn't want her to know I was there.

I got close enough so I can see, hear, and good a clean shot at her ass.

"Don't put no gun to my fucking head if you ain't gonna shoot me you pussy." Marie told Amp.

"Pussy? Nah boo I'm far from that baby. Any last words you wanna say before I smoke your punk ass." Amp said.

"And what makes you think that I'm dying here today? Cause last time I checked y'all couldn't take out that bitch Desiree. So what makes you think you can with me?" Marie said putting the gun closer to his temple.

Amp took a deep breath and looked her in her eyes. He saw Ghost behind the wall giving him the eye. A smile creeped on his face as he looked at her.

"You really think I'm gonna be the one to die today huh? Well I beg to differ. So like I said bitch do you have anything you need to say to me before I lay your fucking ass out?" Amp said with a smirk on his face.

"You real cocky huh?" Marie said.

"Nah but that's was your last chance to say what you had to say."


Going straight through the back of her head and through the front Marie hit the ground. Blood splattered all over Amp. Closing his eyes and using his shirt to wipe his face. He saw Ghost go down.

Amp ran over and turned him over.

"Don't do that shit man. Hang in there. I got you." Amp said.

Picking Ghost up he threw his arm around his neck and walked him back to the car. He fastened him in holding pressure to the spot he was hit.

Putting On his caution lights he sped to the hospital to get Ghost seen about. He looked over there to him and noticed he loss a lot of blood.

"Come on man. Don't do this to me. You can't die. Hang in there. We almost there." Amp said as he sped through traffic.

As he pulled in the emergency room lot he threw the car in parked and ran inside.l yelling.

"Aye man somebody help me. My bro was shot." Amp said as he yelled through the other place.

The nurses started running behind him with the equipment to get him out the car and start working on him. Amp was nerves as hell. He didn't want to loose Ghost.

They got him in the hospital and rushed him back for emergency surgery. Amp paced back and forth. He was nervous as hell. Dave in the hospital, Desiree died and now Ghost.

All my peps are getting hurt or dying. I can't afford to loose him too. Hours has passed and I haven't heard anything about Ghost. I decided to walk to the room and update Dave.

I knocked on the door. No one said nothing so I just walked in. Dave was sitting up in the bed awake. He was talking soft.

"What happened? Where is Ghost?" Dave asked before I got time to say anything.

"Listen man. No need to worry about that. You just get better." Amp said trying to ease the situation.

"Hell nah. Where's Ghost?" Dave said leaning up.

Amp took a deep breath and looked at Dave.

"He's in surgery. Your Aunt shot him." Amp said.

"Fuck I knew it. Where is she? Kiki? Ovrette?" Dave asked.

"They are all dead. No need to worry about that." Amp said with confidence.

They heard code blue come over the hospital speakers and saw doctors running.

"Oh shit I hope that's not Ghost."

What will happen????

Is he dead????

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The next chapter will most likely be the last. Thanks for all the reads and support.

I will update this book when the reads hit 17k.

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