At The Hospital

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The doctors came in and checked on Dave. He was doing a whole lot better but had a ways to go. As the nurse and the doctors did their job, Dave groaned in pain. As he turns over and look at the doctor he spotted the room to see if anyone was there with him.

"Doc can you hurry with that shit. I'm hurting." Dave complains in a low voice.

"I know you are and my nurse is gonna give you something for pain. You have all of us a good scare there Mr. East." The doctor said.

"Man I don't want to hear that mussy shit. Where are my boys?" Dave asked with concern in his voice.

"They came and left. They said they will be back later." The doctor confirmed.

Dave got worried cause he knows no matter what happens between him and his boys they don't play about each other. And they are gonna most definitely hit back.

"Doc can you do me a favor please?" Dave asked.

"And what is that?" Dr. Newsome asked.

"Can you please call my boys for me and tell them to come here now." Dave asked.

"Me. East they have already been here. They not too long left. I'm sure they will be back later." Dr. Newsome tried to explain.

"No you don't understand. I need them to get back here right now dammit. Please get my phone and let me call them please." Dave pleaded.

"Mr. East I don't think.." Dave cut him off in mid sentence.

"Fuck that shit. Give me my cell Now!!!" He yelled at the doctor.

Dr. Newsome walked over and got his cell and gave it to him. He looked at the machines as the numbers started to rise.

"Mr. East I can't have you getting worked up. Please calm down."

"Man I ain't hearing that shit right now doc. Their lives are in danger and I need them here for safety." Dave explained.

"Do I need to call the police?" Dr. Newsome asked.

"Hell nah. You will only make shit worse. And by the way how is Desiree? She made it through surgery? Is she ok?" Dave asked back to back.

"Mr. East right now I need tot to calm down and please just let me call the authorities please. I can give you your medicine to calm you as well." He explains.

"Man if you don't get out my damn face with that shit." Dave said as he coughs and continues to try and get Amp and Ghost on the phone.

As Dave called Amp finally answered the phone.

"Dave?" Amp said as soon as he answered it.

"Nigga why haven't y'all been answering the phone. I've called your ass back to fucking back. Where are you?" Dave yelled.

"We our handling business man. You should be resting not worrying about us." Amp said back.

"Fuck that shit. Get y'all asses back here now." Dave said pissed.

"No man. We got this out here. You worry about that in there. And that's getting better." Amp said.

"If I have to get out this fucking bed and find y'all you will not like it. Please just bring your ass back here. Please man. Don't rub that lamp. You won't get the wish you want." Dave said pleading with Amp.

"Dude are you on some drugs or some shit? You forgot who you was talking to? Cause clearly you know I ain't coming back and neither is Ghost." Amp said.

"Then I'm coming for you. My aunt ain't giving up and she will kill the both of you. Just do what I said and come back. We can plan some shit later." Dave said getting frustrated.

"Dave we have already sent the girls off. They secured. Please let us handle this. No one has ever touched you and she did. I don't like the shit and neither does Ghost. We have a plan. Trust us on this shit. You just worry about getting well and out the hospital." Amp said.

"Nah man. I can't let y'all do this. I need to take care of this. She shot me and Desiree. We both in here fighting for our lives. This is my battle not y'all." Dave said.

The line got quiet cause Amp already knew that Desiree was dead. And from the sounds of it the doctor didn't tell him that she was. I know it's gonna break him when he hears that shit.

"Why you got quiet?" Dave asked.

"Look man we got this. Please just rest. I'll call you when the shit is handled." Amp said.

"Nah. Let me speak to Ghost." Dave yelled.

Amp passed the phone to Ghost and he answered.

"Yo man? Wassup?" Ghost said.

"Please come back man. I don't want nothing else to happen to y'all. Please tell Amp to come back." Dave said.

"I love you man but I can't do that. We got this for you. All you need to do is rest and do whatever that doctor tell you to do so you can come home." Ghost said.

"Why the fuck are the two of you so hard headed. This is not me asking you to do shit. I'm demanding you to do this as your boss." Dave said as he sat up a little in the bed.

"Well sorry man. You hit and we ain't stun that shit. Now I'll talk you later man. I got to go." Ghost said.

"You better not hang this phone up on me nigga." Dave said.

"And what you gonna do about it huh? Lay your ass down Dave." Ghost said.

Before he could respond all her heard was tires squeaking and gunshots.

"Hello? Hello? Ghost? Amp?!" Dave hollered through the phone.

Then the phone disconnected. Dave tried to get out the bed and the doctor pushed him back down.

"And where do you think you're going?" Dr. Newsome asked.

"Man some shit just happened. I got to get out of here and to my boys." Dave said.

"No you're not." Dr. Newsome said and pushed the meds into his IV.

Dave started dozing off quickly and was out.

What happened????

Is this it for them????

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I will update this book when the reads hit 16.25k.

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