Loving My Girls

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Amber had the baby two days ago and I am so happy. I decided to keep Brandi over night with me. Give her a chance to bond with her little sister. She was loving it. I took her by to see her mom and that didn't end good at all. I'm so sick of Desie. She has been trying her best to keep shit going between me and Amber. They letting her go home today. I got the baby ready and took a selfie with her. She looks just like me too. I kissed her and put her in the car seat.

 I kissed her and put her in the car seat

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"You ready to go Amber?" Dave asked her.

"Yeah let me get my bag and I'll be all set to go."

Dave watched her get the last of her things and they headed to the car. He opened the truck door for her and let her in. Closing the door behind her he put the baby in the truck and fastened her in. He closed the door behind himself. He put Brandi in and he got in. He crunk up and headed to the house. He felt so good to have his girls with him. As they was driving his phone rings. He looked at the radio to see who it was that was calling him. It was Desiree.

He rolled his eyes and looked at Amber who was now looking at him with her arms cross her chest.

"You gonna answer that?" She asked.

"Amber don't start that shit man."

"Go on. Answer it."

Dave answered the phone. Taking a deep breath before saying anything.

"What is it Desiree?" Dave said.

"Where's my damn daughter. You have kept her long enough. Bring her home now."

"I ain't gonna keep going back and forth with you about that. I told you I was keeping her for a little to let her bond with her sister. I'll bring her by to see you but she going back with me."

"You can't do this shit Dave. You just got with that bitch and dogging me the fuck out."

"Who you calling a bitch? My girl ain't no bitch. So keep her out of this. You will not disrespect her in my presence."

"Oh now you so defensive over her? Wow. Dave this is not you. This look is bad. You know you belong to me thats how that goes." Desiree said.

"Let me clear this up for you baby girl. Dave is my man and mine alone. Don't get it twisted. I may have just had a baby but I can most definitely finish what you Damn started." Amber said.

"Wait what are you talking about Amber?" Dave asked her looking over at her as he drove.

"Nothing baby. Just get us home."

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