Chapter 5: The Great Plan

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You stood there in the open, letting the rain pour down on you. You didn't mind the coldness so you just relaxed and let the water slide on your skin. The rain suddenly became hard so you didn't have a choice but to find a place to shelter in. The closest place near you is the cave of Tsukasa. The one where Tsukasa summoned you.

You ran your way there, not minding the hard pouring of the rain. After two and a half minutes, you've reached your destination.

"Yo," you called up, making the people to notice you. Some men could not move, and its making you confused. Then suddenly a woman approached you with a towel in her hands.

"Here, Y/n-san dry yourself up. Your undergarments are being visible because your clothes are wet,"

And now you know why some men are staring and could not make a move. They could see your underwear through your wet clothes. You snapped your head at them and growled, making them to shift their heads to the side. You accepted the towel and walked inside the cave.

"Pardon my intrusion," you softly mumbled as you slowly walked.

When you're in presence of Tsukasa, you greeted him.

"Hello there, Tsukasa-san. Its been a couple of days, isn't it? Sorry for barging in suddenly. So what's new?" you greeted and gave a small smile.

Tsukasa continues to stare at you with his amber eyes. From the top of your head down to your toes.

"What's wrong Tsukasa-san?" you ask while looking around and drying your hair with towel.

Tsukasa just shook his head then continues to stare with no emotion in his face. He suddenly closed his eyes for a second then opens them. All his actions are confusing so you unconsciously raise a brow.

"Could someone accompany Y/n-san to my quarters? She must be cold so let her change there with new clothes," Tsukasa said while still staring at you.

You heard some hum of agreement.

"Thank you for your concern, Tsukasa-san," you thanked him and bowed before following the girl who will accompanying you somewhere.

Is Tsukasa-san okay? Why would he stare at me like that? Do i have some dirt in my face?

You thought while walking but then shrugged and continues to dry your hair.


After changing, you come back to where Tsukasa is. When you are near the hall, you slowed down a bit because you can hear them talking. You peeked in and there you saw Hyouga, Gen, some of the guys in the entrance and a woman. You did not know who she is, so naturally what you have to do is to observe. The woman has a small body figure.

How cute~ I absolutely love her outfit. I wonder if its Yuzu-nee made that or someone else.

You thought while admiring her. You came back to reality when you saw them conversing.

You can't quite understand what they're talking because of the rain outside. So you decided to lipread. Even though its hard, you still tried to understand what they seem to talk about. But in the end, your efforts are in vain because it seems like Tsukasa, Gen and Hyouga does the talking, and the others are silent. You can't lip read Hyouga's mouth because he wears a mask. Gen talks while covering his mouth with his sleeves, so no result. You can't read Tsukasa's lip because his right hand is in the way.

Oh man, it seems like I have come out now.

You thought to yourself before you sigh and reveal yourself to the people inside the room.

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