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Before the Petrification Beam was seen:

You prepare breakfast for yourself and your sister. Checking the cooking book is what you do before chopping the ingredients and turn on the stove. While waiting for the meal to be cooked, you heard some footsteps walking to the kitchen. You already knew who it was before it surprises you with her crafts like how every morning it will be.

"Ohayō, Yuzu-nee" you said startling the girl. You turned around after you turn off the stove. You chuckled as you saw the reaction of your dear sister with her crafts scattered on the floor. It's like those party poppers.

"Mooooouuu! Don't do it again, Y/n! My heart is not that strong for that kind of thing! It makes my heart beat two times faster! Hmph," she said while pouting and stomping her foot.

"Ahhhh, it's because Taiju-nii's feelings for you are so obvious right? That's why your heart beats faster. You keep saying that he is treating you like a friend but deep inside you're so happy that your crush likes you back. How cute" you said teasing your older sister as you saw the blush on her cheeks and starts eating her share of food.

Gotcha, nee-chan!

You laughed as you walk upstairs to prepare yourself for school. Leaving your sister squealing for some known reasons.

Reminiscing your lovey-dovey moments, huh. How lovely to enjoy youth.


Stepping outside the house, you locked the door and the gate as you walked to your school. You and your sister are studying in the same school as well as Taiju and his best friend-- Senku. You are only a year younger than them.

While listening to music through your headphones-- matching the ones with your sister-- your phone suddenly beeps.

You saw the notification sent by your sister. After opening it, you saw a picture of a stone swallow. You read the caption with it.

Yuzu-nee: Y/n! See this! It looks so true, I wonder if it's a statue or something. What should I do with thissssss??

But after a few minutes, another message came. It's your sister again with another picture. A boy in front of a glass door.

Yuzu-nee: Guess who I met~ HAHA it's Taiju in front of the vet with a stone swallow.

You saw Taiju in the picture with the swallow in his hand while reading whatsoever in the vet's glass door.

Ohhh, so they went to the same vet since I bet my sister took the stone swallow to the vet. I wonder if it's fate or mere coincidence.

You thought but something stops your train of thought. It's the commercial for a tv show with a magician named Asagiri Gen. You stopped walking and watch the commercial through your phone.

Ohayō minna-san~ Watch the interesting Q & A interview with the famous Strongest Primate High Schooler! Shishio Tsukasa! Later 7:30 pm after (name of a drama)!

Shishio Tsukasa? I wonder why it's so familiar to hear.

You thought but then shrugged and continues to walk to school before you're late.



You stand up as you heard the lunch bell. Carrying your bento to somewhere peaceful.


You heard a familiar voice so you turn your head to see who it was. And you're right, it's Taiju, rushing to the Science Lab.

You walk to the Laboratory and peeked in. Taiju and Senku are talking about something but you can't quite understand it because you're listening to music through your headphones so you pull the chord off from your phone.

"Oh, Hey there, Y/n" you turn your head to the owner of the voice. It's Senku Ishigami, you prefer to call him Senku-nii, holding something and Taiju is waving to you.

"Konnichiwa, Senku-nii, Taiju-nii," you said smiling at the two.

"You've learned something new, haven't you?" you asked the scientist one.

"Yes, ten billion points for you," Senku-nii said while chuckling. As you chuckled too, you bid your goodbyes to the people in the room.

You adjust your headphone and your phone, not knowing where you are walking. While you choose what song to listen to, you bump into something hard that you fell into the floor. You immediately check your food if it is all right.

Arigato kamisama! My bento is okay, though my butt and my shoulders hurt. Huhu, how stupid of me to walk into a wall. Bakaaaaa.

You said to yourself while rubbing the parts of your body that hurts. But you stop rubbing as you suddenly saw a hand. A big and calloused hand.

"Are you all right?"

Creasing your brows, you immediately lift your head to see who is talking while wondering why would a wall talk. You saw a brown long-haired man and thought that it suits him though.

"Uhmm, I'm certainly more okay than all right?" you said but somehow it sounds veeerrryy unconvincing.

"Are you certainly all right?" the man asked but you can see the small smile on his lips. Amusement danced in his eyes.

This man really thought that something is amusing, right?

"I-I'm really ten billion percent all right," you said little ashamed of what you said earlier nonetheless you reached his hand to stand up.

As you stand up, you stare at his face because it is so familiar like it's in the bottom of your brain but can't recognize who he is but then you heard the commercial in your head.

"Shishio Tsukasa," you said in a whispering tone making the man shocked but smiled a minute after.

Realizing that you actually said what you're thinking, you bow down to apologize.

"I-I'm sorry for bumping into you, well then good day fine sir," you said walking past him and not turning back.

What the heck did I just do?! Just forget it, self. Though his amber eyes are beautiful, and his voice is soothing. What a fine man indeed.

You to talk to yourself as you run to your peaceful place near a Camphor tree.

After a couple of minutes, you are halfway eating your lunch when you see your sister walking to the Camphor tree. Creasing your forehead, you wonder why would your sister stand in front of the tree. You continue to eat your lunch while watching your sister untie her tie and start tying the little branch of the tree.

Aww, nee-chan is so kind. Kawaiiiii~ I'll pat her head later hehe


Your mouth hangs open when you saw Taiju walking to Yuzuriha as you realize what may happen. You immediately search for your phone that you almost spill the remaining food inside your bento.

You heard a chuckle near you so you stop what you're doing to see who is laughing. It's actually Tsukasa-san sitting on the bench near you.

You want to ask him why is he laughing but stops when both of you saw a green light. And before you can even react, everything went to black.

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