Chapter 4: Ukyo

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Day after day passed like a blur, you just go with a flow for the past two days after you talked with Gen.

You just remembered what both of you have talked about.


"Tell me the details. Right here, right now," you said to Gen.

"Why would I tell you about it Y/n-san? You could be one of the most treasured pieces of Tsukasa in his plans. You have the power to tell him what I've admitted," Gen asked.

"Let me tell you Gen-san, I'm not a pawn of Tsukasa nor have the power to tell him what you have said. I'm neither a citizen of Tsukasa's Empire or a traitor. I'm just his friend. But that doesn't mean that I have the right to stick my nose into his business. I just want to ask you what's the situation on Senku-nii's side and how is he," you carefully weave your words so that the man can trust you.

"Y/n-san, I know who you are already after you've said your name. Senku-chan asked me about Taiju and Yuzuriha's wellness here in Tsukasa's Empire. He also asked if Tsukasa do what his last wish which is revived you back from stone," Gen explained.

"I will tell you everything in Senku-chan's side but whatever you learned from me must not be known in Tsukasa's Empire. Since I'm a traitor and a new citizen of the Kingdom of Science, I'm doubting if I can ever trust you," he said in a serious tone.

"I promise that I will not make any move that can harm the Kingdom of Science. Not that I promise but I totally swear in my life that I will not harm any citizen of the Kingdom," you calmly said.

'If it's needed, I think I might ' you thought to yourself.

Gen can feel your sincerity that you will do anything to keep everyone safe. So he proceeded to tell you the details.

End of the Flashback 

You now know what you can do for the both sides. You believe that Tsukasa and Senku can be friends sooner or later.

You are now helping your sister making clothes. Since your not so good at making one, you can only help Yuzuriha by making the design since you can draw pretty decent.

"Ne, ne Yuzu-nee," you called out your sister.

"Yes, Y/n?" your sister answered but you can only see her back since she's pretty focused on finishing the clothes.

She's so serious about making them but she can finish a set of clothes in minutes only. 

You thought and sweatdropped.

"Yuzu-nee, when everything's done, do you want to unwind near the river?" you asked.

"Ahh-- you know, Y/n. I think I might make more than my normal quota soooooo if you want to unwind, you can go before me ahaha," she said while panicking making you confused in her actions.

"Oh, okay. I will be going now," you dropped the topic then waved goodbye.

These days you noticed your sister is being weird when she's making clothes. When you're thinking about it, you realized something. Yuzuriha is can rarely be seen in the evening. Wondering what might your sister be doing at the night time, you walk back to where Yuzuriha is.

When walking back, you can feel that someone is watching you from a distance. You stopped walking so you can pin-point where might be that someone is, you are depending on your instincts when it comes to a situation like this. And so far, your instincts are pretty accurate. You locked eyes with that someone watching you from across the cliff near the tallest tree.

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