Chapter 15: Fight

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"Are you both ready?" the right-hand of Kyo spoke, gathering everyones' attention.

You and your opponent nodded your head. The height difference is huge, you need to tilt your head upward so that you can look in your opponent's eyes.

"So let me say again the rules," he said.

"This is just a mock battle. No inflicting permanent injuries. Fight fair. Winner will be determined if the other surrenders, can't fight anymore or hit someone other than the opponent,"

As you listen to the rules, you observed your surroundings. You watch your opponent and studied closely his mannerism. While looking around, you started to plan something inside your head. Since this is your first encounter with your opponent, you did not know his way of fighting nor he did to yours, you assumed that this will at least last for a couple of minutes.

"... That's all. Ready to fight, in three," the referee said while you take a couple steps backward.


May the Lady of Luck be with you.

You thought as you tried hiding your smirk while wishing Kyo a luck to survive the embarassment of his trusted soldier being defeated by a girl.


Leaves rustling while branches are swaying. Ukyo sat down while wind breeze blows hard. His eyes are focused on what's happening below him. At first, he didn't believe it when he heard what happened to Hyouga that day.

I mean, sure she can fight but to be able to win against Hyouga is something.

He thought as he shivered a little when he traced a part of his neck where you grazed your little knife on your first meeting and deliberately tries to imagine what happened when you guys went to the village.

He stopped thinking when he heard the referee shouted 'go' and focused his attention again to the fight.


You and your opponent stood still and stared at each other. When he blinked, you rushed forward towards him. The enemy reacted faster than normal and step backwards to distance himself and stabilize his stance to defend the attack.

As expected, he's not an average fighter after all.

You thought to yourself as you stopped halfway and strongly grazed the ground making the dust pile up and waited for the wind to blow.

You checked the wind earlier and made sure that you can use it to your advantage. When the wind blows, you stomped your right foot making the dust being carried by the wind towards your opponent. When he reacted and starts to stumble, you see an opening. You ran and attacked but the instinct of a fighter is surely incredible when he deflected it with force.

You struggled a bit since the force are more difficult to handle than you thought. You step back to formulate an attack. When the opponent regained his posture, he immediately started to attack.

Now, you're on defense. You welcomed all of his attacks and starts to be cornered. When you managed to deflect his attack, he started to put more force to his slahes making his attack sloppy. Maybe he thinks that few more strong attacks will make you surrender or be dominated.

But suddenly when he decided to swing his spear from left to right with more force than usual, you ducked, making him stumbled and lost focus. You strike to his calf with  most of your strength. He winced in pain and fully lost his posture but he is still standing. Barely standing.

While he gritting his teeth in pain, you quickly stand up and rushed to his back. He couldn't give you his full attention since his terribly in pain.

I think this should be enough. Well, I hope he won't hold a grudge.

You thought as you push him with all of your might making him stumble to someone. Making the one who's sitting nearby in the corner groaned in pain also. You let him corner you near the bystanders and you used it to your advantage. After seeing the face of your opponent kissed the ground, you grazed his cheek with your weapon while stepping on his back.

"It is my win," you loudly said with a big smile on your face while facing the referee beside Kyo. They both look pale for some reason and gulping with nervousness being visible to their faces. You walked to the center and bowed.

"THANKS FOR THE FIGHT!" you shouted while bowing. Eventually applauses roared around the place and you chuckled as you saw some of their faces looked excited.


It is now night time.

Kyo let the guards and others celebrate your win as you guys grilled some fishes together for lunch. He only let them this once. Unfortunately, some are uncomfortable with your presence but got used to it after half an hour.

When afternoon came, you talk to Kyo about the prize. He's sulking and pouting the whole meeting. He's being childish.  Ukyo was there too. You said that the prize you want is being able to join in their training, it is good enough. It is also okay to not talk to others while training so that the conditions they made in that meeting with Tsukasa will also be guaranteed. He agreed as he weigh the cons and pros, but he also set one extra rule. You will be monitored all the time, which was suggested by Ukyo. You agreed to it, at least now you're not stuck in the prison.

Now, you're on your cell humming while making yourself comfortable so you can sleep.


"So, that's what happened. I didn't expect that she improved so much," the long-haired man said while having a little smirk on his lips.

"Yes, Tsukasa-san," Ukyo replied.

Eh? What does Tsukasa-san mean when he said 'she improved'? Does he know it all along that Y/n-san can fight? Then why did he ordered me to protect her?

Ukyo thought as he tried to keep his face expresionless but actually failed because curiousity can be seen all over his face.

"You can go now," Tsukasa ordered with
absolute authority making Ukyo bowed in instant. After that, the archer went to his assigned place.

Tsukasa looked outside where the moon is visible. Eyes looked misty as he reminisced something fondly.

Many things have changed, huh?


Hey guys! I'm back ✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。


I couldn't write for a M O N T H .  (tbh, idk how should this chapter go so i read krn novels and eventually got addicted to them and couldn't write in the end)

*dogeza 口丁乙 Hontouni gomenasai if its too cringe.

Anyway, I've been reading your comments,
✿✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿ it is amusing reading them since you guys have the most active imagination than mine (currently struggling).


the person who thinks that comments are important than votes,

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In Common (Tsukasa x Reader Fan Fiction) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora