Chapter 1: About 3700 years later

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Everything that happened past like a blur and all you can see is darkness. Actually, you are afraid of what you've become and that green light. You don't know why everything you can see is black. It seems like you can't open your eyes. Now that you realize that you can't open your eyes, you can't feel your body either. It's like you're a floating consciousness.

You can't even remember how many days have passed since you don't know how many times your consciousness flew away then came back.

You are worried if your sister is all right. That sister of yours is not that wise in many things that someone thought that you're the older one than her. You are overthinking that maybe your sister is not alive anymore. And with that thought, you almost fall into depression if it's possible in your situation. But then you remember how brave your sister is. And you believe that she will find ways to survive since your sister are an expert in making crafts.


Your consciousness came back again like you just woke up from a nap. You thought maybe it is a year after the green light was seen and starts thinking what may be the season is. You hope that you can break free from whatever is holding you back from feeling your body.

While thinking of ways how to break free. You somehow felt warm and fuzzy near your cheeks. You are shocked that you somehow felt something in your cheeks. Then you hear something cracking. You immediately try to open your eyes. And when you finally can open it, your body feels like the wind breeze is hugging you though you can see that someone maybe put some clothes since you are not bare naked.

You roam your eyes around to see where you might be right now. You can see that you are near the edge of a cliff. You stop roaming your eyes halfway when you turn around. And you saw a man with a lion fur near his neck like it's made to be a cape. He stretched his hand to help you stand up. You lift your head to see the man.

"It's been a long time, right Y/n?" said the man with long brown hair and some cracks in his face. You make your eyes slit to see his face clearly. When you finally recognize the familiar brown eyes and that big and calloused hand.

"Yes, it's been a long time, I think, since I don't know what year it is today, Sir," You said and immediately accept the help that the man gave.

"Sir? You don't remember who I am?" the man asked. The confused expression is so obvious that somehow making you feel uncomfortable.

"Uhmm, yeah I remember you Sir but I don't have the guts to say your name and I just barely knew you when we bumped into each other, but its actually my fault why we bumped into each other like how stupid I am to wa--" you stopped rambling things when you heard a laugh from the guy. You unconsciously gave him an are-you-crazy look but the guy continues to laugh his heart out.

How crazy of him laughing when there's nothing funny right now. How weird. Really really weird.

You thought then you start roaming your eyes again to see the situation. You can see some statues scattered everywhere you look.

"It's been 3700 years after that green light was seen," he said after he recovered from laughing.

"THAT LONG?!" you exclaimed making the guy nodded in agreement.

"Every statue that you see is the people that the green light had passed through. You just currently broke free from being a statue. And also you can take away the formalities since we are acquaintance way back then." he added.

"So let's introduce ourselves to each other so that we are not just a mere acquaintance," he said with a little smile on his face.

"I am Shishio Tsukasa, a high schooler," he said then offers a handshake.

"I am L/n Y/n, a high schooler too," you said after accepting the handshake. His hand is way too big than yours that he can literally crush your hands.

These hands are not the hands of a regular high schooler. He must have gone through some serious happenings in his life. How hard did his life was way back then?

"Are you really just a high schooler?" you asked him but you already knew how famous he could be way back then. Creasing your brows, you did not let his hands go.

He watched your hand holding his tighter than earlier. But you noticed the little smirk on his face.

What's with the smirk, fine sirrrr? I'm really that amusing to you? Heeeehhh~

You thought to yourself, teasing the man in your mind.

"Just a high schooler," he said and you let go of his hand then you make a thinking-look while staring at his face. But then you just shrugged, letting the topic go, and starts walking to anywhere where you felt that its the way. The guy walks with you and guiding you to somewhere.

" So, what's the situation?" you curiously asked him making him stopped from walking. You turned your head to ask him if something is wrong but before you can ask, he continues to walk and answers your question.

"We've been reviving people who can help me start a new civilization in this new stone age. Me and some people that I and my friends revived, helps each other to build the kind of civilization we desire," he said in a serious kind of voice.

"What kind of civilization you desire if I may ask?" you said as polite as it would be because you sense that the topic is a sensitive matter.

He stopped walking and turn his face in front of you so that he can talk to you face to face.

"A world that only the young and innocent people lives together with nature, which doesn't belong to someone else. This new stone age is a paradise not yet to be tamed. This is an opportunity to cleanse humanity," he said while staring deep into your eyes. His gaze is like scanning your soul and leaving no spots that are not scanned.

"Okay," you said.

"But I can't promise to help you build the life you desire because I have my own insights, ideals, and beliefs in life. I can only wish you luck and thorough guidance," you added calmly since you taught yourself way back in your childhood that you won't judge someone if you don't know all sides of the story.

You notice that the guy was taken aback by what you have said. Shock is evident in his eyes like he can't believe that someone is not judging one's life by mere words only. You only smiled genuine to him and ushered him to guide you back to where his friends are.


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