Chapter 2: Their Share of Experiences

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You are in Tsukasa's village or whatsoever. You decided to call him Tsukasa-san since he already knew you and vice versa. After reviving, one is assigned to a certain group where you can certainly help. You are currently helping the group that cooks meals for everyone.

"Y/n-san, can you chop this? I'll just go to the river to wash the needed ingredients," one man said while happily grabbing the ingredients that are needed to be washed.

Aww, how happy they are to be alive again. I bet they're really grateful for being revived back from being a stone.

"Hai!" you cheerily respond and starts chopping.

Speaking of chopping, you remembered that you don't know where your sister is. You just mentally note that you'll ask Tsukasa later after your share of work in the cooking department.


It's dinner time. It's already past afternoon when Tsukasa helps you break free from the stone. You help the guys to serve the meal one by one. When everyone was given already their share, you also take one to chow down since you are hungry from being a stone for more than three thousand years.

After eating, you are given a break from helping since you're working for hours without a break. You take this chance to ask Tsukasa if he knew where your sister is.

You look for Tsukasa everywhere that you happen to be somewhere near the sleeping quarters and the building department. You also chatted for a bit with the people who you have met on the way. And also wondering why would Tsukasa and his men build a jail when you saw one. You just continue to walk anywhere your feet will take you. You stopped walking when you heard that familiar sweet voice of a girl. You immediately run to where the voice is.

"Thank you for sending some food here. I really appreciate the effort," said with a sweet voice.

When you made sure who it was, you run to the girl and hugged her tightly.

"Yuzu-nee," you said in a cracking voice making the girl turn her face to see yours.

"Oh my, Y/n!" she said while returning the hug you gave and she suddenly starts crying and caressing your head. Both of you are crying your hearts out making someone startled.

"Yuzu-nee, I'm so afraid that maybe I can't see you again," you said making your sister cry more.

"Don't worry, Yuzu-nee will do everything to see you again. Even if it takes me years, Nee-chan will never give up, okay?" your sister said while wiping some tears that fell to your cheeks making you nod and smile because somehow of what your sister said, gives assurance to your worries.


After their crying session, the siblings catch up with each other. You tell Yuzuriha about how you broke free from the stone and how grateful you are to Tsukasa. During your storytelling, all you can see in Yuzuriha's eyes is grief but you can't understand why would she express such a grim expression. After telling your sister what happened to you, you happily ask her what happened to her after being revived.

She can only caress your cheeks and stares at your eyes deeply, you don't understand why would she do that instead of telling you what's her experiences. After staring back into her eyes, something clicked in your mind. You just nodded and smile sweetly at your sister.

Something must have happened to her when she revived. I hope it's not alarming. I don't like to see my sister with a sad face like this.

You thought and starts to make excuses for the guard to go away from your sister's quarters.

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