Chapter 3: Empire of Tsukasa

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While walking, some people greeted you and you just smiled and waved back. You are actually confused why they know you.

"Ano, sir?" you ask the messenger man.

"Yes, Y/n-san?"

"I'm just wondering, why do the people here know me when I just arrived here yesterday?"

"Hmm, from what I've heard Y/n-san, Tsukasa-sama said that we have to respect you like the way we respect him. Everyone wondered why but we just go with it when we saw you helping out," he said while looking at the sky.

"I see, thank you for answering," you said, then you stopped walking and bowed making the guy flustered.

'I see now why Tsukasa-sama ordered us to treat Y/n-san with respect. This girl is friendly and polite even though she doesn't know why people greeted her suddenly. I also heard that she also make the man who guards the quarter's of Yuzuriha-san can take a long break by telling him about the reward. How thoughtful and innocent.'

The man thought to himself before showing a 'thumbs-up' to you, making you look at him with confusion.


"Tsukasa-sama, Y/n-san is here," the man said to Tsukasa who is sitting in a throne-like chair similar to any king's throne.

"I see, thank you. You can take your leave now." Tsukasa dismissed the man.

You roam your eyes around the cave, it's fascinating to see a cave like that. Suddenly, you felt someone stares at you from the back so turn around to see who is it. And it's Tsukasa staring at you intently.

Heh~ Tsukasa-san is challenging me, huh? Well, I might as well play along with you fine sir~

You thought while you stared back at Tsukasa while slowly smiling sweetly at him making everyone around you look at the two of you with confusion and somewhat flustered, thinking that maybe there's a thing between you and their leader.

Their train of thought stops when they heard a chuckled. As they can see, Tsukasa just chuckled while watching you somewhat celebrating about something.

"Yatta! I win, Tsukasa-san! You blinked first," you cheerily said while jumping up and down before giggling.

'Kawaii, Y/n-san' they thought.

"Hai, hai. You win, all right,"

"So, why did you call me in here, Tsukasa-san?" you happily asked.

"Ahh, that's right. I just wanna show you around since when you've arrived here, you immediately went somewhere to help," he said making your eyes twinkling like stars.

"Really? Like seriously?" you said.

"Yes of course," he said standing up.

When Tsukasa is ready to step down from his throne, a silhouette of someone is walking towards the cave. Everyone is watching that someone to come closer.

"Ahh, Hyouga, what's the matter?" Tsukasa said before sitting down on his throne while you stand back a little for the guy to walk in closer. When you are walking backwards, you stepped on a stone making you stumbled and fall onto the floor.

Oh gosh, how stupid you are, self. Be careful, Baka. You are making some unnecessary wounds to yourself.

You said to yourself. While trying to stand up and patting the clothes where there's dirt, you saw a hand.

What's with the 'reaching hand' scene these days?

You reached it while fixing your crumpled clothes.

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