Hope Where All Seems Lost

Start from the beginning

"Because I am. You can torture me, you can use me against her, you can make me a MONSTER with sharp, bared teeth. It's all because of you. Jessica will understand once she saves me, and that's what I'm confident about. That's what I'll hold on to."

Betty looked at him in bewilderment for a second. "Disgusting. Absolutely horrid. A monster obsessing over his human pet's encouragement. It could've at least been the other way around." Betty formed the spear on her fingertips, its pink glow reflecting in Gaster's eyes.

"You'll thank me when this is all over." Gaster tensed up, bracing himself for the impact and crying out in pain as it stabbed into his soul.


Jessica awoke late in the night, rubbing her eyes and hearing crickets chirp loudly. "Damned tent." She got out of bed, something sliding out of her wrist slowly. A shiver went down her spine as she whirled around, seeing the I.V. swing from the cord and barely scrape against the floor.

She looked at the small prick on her wrist and sighed, removing the bandage that once held it in place. Her sword formed and whirled in front of her, lighting up the dark tent.

"AH! WHO'S THERE?! I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET HURTING MY AUNT JE-" "SHHHHHHHH! SHH! What the hell are you doing here, Chara?!" She looked at the boy who had been sleeping on the floor beside her bed. A blanket was on top of him and he struggled to pull it off, his sword's red glow combatting Jessica's.

"I wanted to protect you! I wanted to stab someone and make you proud!" Chara groaned in defeat as Jessica put on a tired smile. "Chara, I'm already proud of you." She walked over and her sword flashed away. Chara picked up a pillow and shoved his head in it. "I'm an idiot."

"No, no, no. You c'mere, we're gonna have a talk." Jessica spread out her arms and Chara looked up slowly at first, but then zapped into her arms hastily. "Ah, there we go. I was gonna ask, what happened after I was out?"

Chara wrapped his arms around her a little tighter. "I can tell you. But I don't want you to get mad." Jessica nodded quickly, grabbing edges of the blanket and pulling them up to wrap around Chara. "Alright. I won't get mad."

"D-Dad picked you up and got Gaster off your tail. By that time it was too late, and I could kinda feel it. Betty went over to you and Gaster and so I had Papyrus take Asriel for me. T-Then, I knocked Betty away into the sky."

Jessica looked at Chara with pride. "Chara, why would you think I'd be mad?" "B-Because after that, I got really mad at Gaster for doing that to you... And I- I- He- HE'S DEAD AGAIN!"

Chara sobbed and Jessica lunged at him for a hug, but Chara held out his arms to push her back. "He was on the brink of coming back, and I slashed him out of anger. And Betty came from the sky, grabbing his soul and taking him away again..."

Chara's arms gave out, leaning into Jessica. "Thank you for telling me. That's a very good thing to do. You're a very nice and kind boy, you know that?" Chara sniffled a little. "You told me that when I gave you your daughter's stuff..."

Jessica nodded, smiling as a lone tear streaked down her face. "I did. I mean it, Chara. You're a good person. And although you've done something that was not what I would do, I know why you did it, and I know you're doing great. You're doing great."

Chara cried into Jessica's shoulder, gripping the back of her sweater tight. "Thank you... Thank you..." "Shhhhh, sh-sh-sh. It's okay. You're alright."

His crying slowed as their eyes met with a pull away. They both glowed brighter than ever, ready to combat whatever was thrown at them.

"Let's go kill that bastard." "YEAH! LET'S GO KILL THAT BASTARD!" Chara jumped up and down with joy at Jessica's words as they summoned their weapons.

Their wake would be nearly unstoppable. Now more than ever, they had to stick togeth-

"Jessica! Human!" Papyrus walked in and both of them pointed their swords at him in haste. "Woah, I didn't mean to walk in! But have good news for everyone! I also heard yelling in here, so I presumed you were awake."

"O-Oh. Alright, let's hear it." Sans walked out from behind Papyrus, who was beaming with pride. "Go on! Do the thing and say it." Sans pulled his hands from his pockets and waved them around ecstatically. "Visor guy found a way to inject magic essence into my soul so I can fight. Hooray."

He seemed genuinely happy, but his tone remained tired. Jessica gasped with joy. "That's amazing! Wait, holy buttercups, that is like, the best news I've heard all night! All week! All month! Y'know, throw it to hell! Best news all year!"

Sans stepped back at her tone, not expecting the sudden happiness from Jessica. Chara threw his arms up in victory, cheering "LET'S ALL GO GET THAT BASTARD!"

Chara grabbed Papyrus's hands and spun around, dancing with him and giggling. Sans looked to Jessica's happy expression and smiled a little wider. "Hey, uh... J?" Jessica looked to Sans inquisitively. "Yeah?"

"Thank you for taking care of him and G. It means a lot." He held out his hand for a high five and Jessica smiled as they collided.

This was their time to shine.

A/N: Three chapters in a dayyyyy~! And we have the blue bag of bones back in the game cause of our man Rave!

Hmmmm... Two reds, two blues, and the purple in between. Wonder who that is ;)

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