"You can't do that! You're gonna make it worse!" I yelped

Dominic looked surprised as the man retracted the knife from his arm."What do you know lady?"

"I'm a nurse...and I know what you're doing is going to make that healing process a lot more difficult." Dominic looked up at me as I glanced back at him. "Please..." I said "let me help him."

"I'm sorry but I-"

"Samuel." Dominic interrupted, lowering the knife from his arm "I don't feel like losing an arm today. Let her help me." 

I felt a sigh of relief. The man nodded and moved out of the way as I carefully knelt down next to Dominic, holding his arm in my hand. His arm was heavy, like stone, and just his one arm made my petite hands look almost invisible. "Get me some alcohol, a scapula, cloth some tweezers and a needle and thread." I ordered while I pressed my hand against Dominics muscular arm. The man stared at me. "Now please!" I yelled.

"Okay...okay." I took a deep breath and pressed harder on his arm, as his blood seeped through my fingertips. He was oddly calm...as if he felt no pain. He had a relaxed look on his face as he peered down at his bleeding arm. I needed to stop the bleeding...and fast. Think Ev, think. Though I loved how Celeste did my hair, I instantly ripped the ribbon out of it and quickly tied it around his arm. My hair cascaded down my shoulders and I tossed my head to move it out of my eyes.

"What are you doing?" Dominic asked in a moody tone as I wrapped the ribbon tightly around his arm.

"I need to stop the bleeding." I said sternly

He looked at me and rolled his deep blue eyes. "I don't have time for you to be wrapping my arm in a nice little bow like a present. This is ridiculous." God he was so agitating. If he'd just let me do my job, and stay quiet.

"Listen, I know you don't like me but If you want me to help you...you need to trust me..." I sighed. "...Okay?"

He looked up at me and hesitated. Our gazes met each other and I almost forgot my hand was pressing against his bleeding shoulder. I felt my heart race as I looked into his mysterious icey blue eyes. He sighed, rolled his eyes then nodded at me as I refocused my attention and looked back down at his arm.

As soon as the man came back with my supplies, I watered the cloth with some alcohol, and held it above his arm.

"This is going to burn a little" I warned him.

Dominic nodded as if he didn't even hear what I said as I quickly pressed the cloth on his wound. His eyes instantly widened and his muscles tensed up. "fuck." he shouted , squeezing his eyes shut. "You weren't kidding."  His breath was heavy as I looked up at him with a smirk.

"I warned you"

"Ya well next time warn me better!" He demanded. Warn him better? Was he serious? At any moment I could release his arm from my grip, walk away and let him bleed to death...the bastard doesn't realize how lucky he is.

"ok" I rolled my eyes.

I took a deep breath and began carefully removing the bullet from his arm. He remained so calm the entire time. He sat there without moving a muscle. I find it funny how the only part that seemed to hurt him was when I cleaned the wound. Usually that hurts the least.

I began stitching up his arm. I threaded the needle carefully through his shoulder as I glanced up and noticed Dominic gazing at me...studying my every move. I could tell he was trying to read me like a book. I wonder what is going on in his head. He looked up at me and raised his eyebrow. "Why are you helping me?"

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