Before we end up back in bed and the entire day is ruined I guide him out the door. He wraps my hand in his and we walk down the hall holding hands.

I can't believe me Skylar Haden is Dimitri Brandt's girlfriend. This time last week I was so confused were we stood and now I'm going on tour with him as his girlfriend. Amazing how so much can change in a twenty four hour time period.

When we reach the elevator Dimitri calls Frank before he hits the down button. "I need you to bring the car around." He pauses for a moment. "No not the limo. Grab the Corvette please. I feel like driving." Another pause. "No I won't need you to play body guard. We are only going to the barn." I can hear laughter on the other end. "Yes I said barn b-a-r-n not bar." More laugher. "Yes, I'm going horseback riding. Knock it off. Skylar has a horse and wants to go riding before she leaves to go on tour with us." Pause. "After the barn we are going to her house so she can pack and then back to the hotel." The elevator reaches us and he pulls me in with him. "Okay, we are on our way down see you soon." He ends the call.

"You sure you don't want Frank to tag along as chaperone? There might be a pony at the barn he can ride."

"As much as I would love to see him riding a pony I want to spend the day just us because once we get on the tour bus tomorrow can't guarantee we won't get alone time. We don't always stay in hotels every night."

'Well that sucks."

"One of the positives is the guys all agreed to let us have the room in back. Usually we take turns sleeping back there because there is more space, but they wanted to give us as much privacy as they could. Plus we have never had a girl on the tour bus before."

"Never." I say in shock wanting to call him a liar.

He shakes his head, "never. You will be the first. When we had first hit the road we created this list of rules. One being no girls on the bus because we didn't want the drama."

"So then why I'm I allowed?"

The elevator stops at a floor and a couple joins us in the elevator temporarily ending our conversation. The women's eyes flash with desire when she notices Dimitri. She runs her tongue over her lips as she runs her eyes up and down his body. When she finally notices me standing next to him she gives me the once over and by the expression on her face she believes I'm not worth Dimitri's time . Guess I better get use to this, women throwing me dirty and jealous looks.

Dimitri notices the women staring at us and raises a brow. When he turns to me I notice an evil glint in his eyes. Before I can respond he pulls me into a kiss and I tightly grip his shirt. As he is kissing me I notice the women glace away in disgust. That's right bitch he is all mine. Dimitri continues to kiss me till the elevator reaches the first floor.

Before the women exits the elevator the women takes a stab at us, "get a room."

"We do," Dimitri says as we leave the elevator. Then he stares into my eyes. "But I can't seem to get enough of my girlfriend," and adds a shrug.

The women walks away in a huff with the man she was with. The giggles I was barely holding back spill from my lips and Dimitri joins me.

"That was awesome." I get out in-between laughter. "Her eyes got so big when you called me your girlfriend."

He places his arm over my shoulders and pulls me close to his side. "That's what you are and plus I didn't like the way she was looking at you. So I had to put her in her place."

"I love you."

"Love you to," he tells me kissing the top of my head.

We exit the hotel and discover Frank standing there next to the Corvette. Dimitri leads me to the passenger side and closes the door. Before he gets behind the wheel he exchanges a few quick words with Frank.

Once he's in the car and heading down the road I bring the conversation back to the one we were having before the couple interrupted us.

"So why did the boys decide it was okay for me to ride on the bus."

"Well you know I was all for it so my vote was yes. Lucan said he voted yes because he was tried of dealing with me being an emotional girl and now you can deal with me. Tray and Mason reason for saying yes was the same. And Ryder said yes because."

"Wait," I interrupt him. "What reason did Tray and Mason give?"

He glances at me before returning his eyes to the road. "I'd rather not say." I shove him playfully. "Hay I'm driving here and I would like to not get into an accident."

"Come on tell me." I give him my most puppy dog eyes expression, "please?"

Dimitri rolls his eyes before saying, "fine. They think me getting laid on the regular again will help the band."

"Help the band how?"

"I won't be as stressed out as I am. And maybe the muses will smile down upon me again." I can't help myself and I laugh at him. "Stop it." I laugh harder. "Enough," he glares at me.

"Okay okay. Why did Ryder agree?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"He said he wants me to be happy and be able to give this relationship with you an actual try."

"How sweet." I say taking Dimitri's hand in my own.

He raises it to his lips and kisses me fingers. "Yeah Ryder is a true romantic at heart."

We continue talking as we leave the city and head to the barn. Where I get to see my big bad rocker boyfriend act like the biggest baby because of the size of the horses outside.

My Best Friend the Rockstar (Book 1 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now