"Don't worry about it" Namjoon says as he pats my head with a dimpled smile.
"Stop, you're messing up my hair" I say as I slap his arm away. He just laughs at me.

"We should get going" Jin pipes in as he smiles while taking Namjoon by the shoulder.

"Remember those tickets you owe me" I tell the group as I see them off.
"Yip. See you" Jimin speaks for the group, smiling brightly, as they all nod.

"You better text me" Taehyung says over his shoulder and gets hit over the head by Jin.
"Will do. Bye" I say my last-last goodbye and make my way back to my home. Now it was only Jungkook and I. I feel like that guy's gonna way my fridge out...

I head back to Jungkook to find him on his phone. He puts down the phone as he notices me standing by the doorframe.

"Should I order something or make something?" I ask.
"Please make something. I haven't had your cooking in forever" Jungkook says with shining, expecting eyes.
"Sure" I say with a wide grin.

I quickly make dinner. Nothing fancy but still food. I get a bit of music playing like I usually do when cooking. Now that music is playing, my head clears a little. I should probably post something soon on my channel...

I set everything on a tray and head to Jungkook's room in a great mood.
"Nice" Jungkook says through his teeth while rubbing his hands together as he sees the food I made. I sit next to him and pick at my food with a fork.

The moment he slipped the food into his mouth, his whole face turned into pure bliss. I lightly laugh at his over-the-top reaction.

"Is it really that good?" I ask with a slight smile.
"Have you ever tasted your food? It's damn good" he says as he shoves more food into his face.
"Slow down. Jin would kill me if you died on my watch" I joke a little.

"He wouldn't lay a finger on you" Jungkook says with a soft look as he looks back to his dinner, finally slowing down.
"But he would scold the hell out of me" I say with a slight laugh.
"I wouldn't want to be on your end" he says, laughing along.

"But he cares for you. I'm sure that he would do something drastic if I killed you" I say. He just shrugs. I realize that I didn't need to tell him that Jin cares for him. They all do, in fact.
"It's a good way to go. Choking on good food" Jungkook says seriously, looking incredibly dramatic.
"You're way too dramatic" I say with an eye roll.

After dinner, we carried on talking about our high school days and what else he's been up to. I listen full heartedly since he had quite interesting stories to tell. Eventually he let out a yawn.

"This has been fun. Text or call me if you need something" I say as I gather the empty plates.
"Leaving so soon? We can still catch up. I still haven't heard enough from you" he says, a bit disappointed.

"Another day. I can see you're tired" I say with a slight smile.
"I'm not tired" he says like a kid, eyes growing bigger.
"Just go to bed" I say with a tired sigh.
"No" he protests as he bites the inside of his cheek.

"I'm leaving. Goodnight" I simply say and leave. I can hear him whining but ignore him as I smile softly.

After washing the dishes, I lean back on the counter, still deciding on what to do next. Should I go to sleep early or make another cover?

...Nah, cover sounds more fun.
I open the door to my beautiful instruments. My drums just begging to be played. Every time I enter this room, I get overly excited for the music and already start feeling inspired. Of course, I have my off days too but I feel at the very least better.

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