2- Control

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"This is it." He said, peering out into the distance...admiring the bright colors that cascaded over broken down skyscrapers and rugged buildings,"I'm so sorry."

I turned my head towards him and gazed up at his eyes. The sun glared behind him, carving a sculpted silhouette that shadowed over his face. He clenched his jaw and turned towards me...I could see his pale blue eyes reminiscing a thousand thoughts as I studied the pain in his expression. All he'd worked for, everything he believed in...gone just like that.

I took a deep breath and placed my hand on his face. I brushed my fingers against his cold cheek and as our gazes met...I've  never seen him look like this. He seemed...tired...defeated....it was so unlike him.

"Hey" I gently spoke. "were going to stop this...I know it."

He touched my hand and rubbed his fingers against mine. His eyelids shut as he let out a deep sigh. No...He's not giving up...he wouldn't...not yet...not now. He grasped my fingers and slowly took my hand off his cheek and held it in his palms. He looked out into the sunset as I gazed at him worriedly.

"You know how long I've tried to stop this mess."  He shook his head. "They can't be stopped."

My eyes lit up with fear, He can't give up...not him..not now!

"This is the end."

My heart raced out of my chest as my alarm rang in my ear like a siren. I opened my eyes and squinted at my phone. 6am. Great. I rubbed my hands over my tired eyes and sat up in my bed. What the hell...I had that dream again.

Almost every night for the past few days, I've had this recurring dream...I'm with a man, though I can't see his face because it's covered by a shadow. The only thing I can see is his bright, icy blue eyes. The man was distressed...defeated, and I try to comfort him. For some reason, the only thought that plays in my head, is not letting him give up. Give up what though?  He keeps saying how they are coming, and how they are destroying everything, but I can never figure out who they are. My dream always ended with the man saying the words, "this is the end." The thought of these words sent chills trickling down my spine. What did this mean? It's probably nothing.

I didn't sleep much last night. My mind raced all night, and the moment I did fall asleep I had that...dream. There's nothing a bit of coffee can't fix. I slugged out of my bed and into my kitchen. I tiredly poured the crushed coffee beans into my brewing machine and patiently waited for my cup to fill. My phone suddenly rang, I picked it up and peered at the screen, my eyes still tired and sensitive to the light. "Hello?" I said in a husky tone holding my phone up to my ear.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Beamed a familiar voice.

"Gemma!" Gemma Wood. My best friend. We've known each other pretty much our whole lives, and I don't know what I'd do without her. Though I loved her, we shared very different thoughts on Detra Gov...actually everyone shared different thoughts on Detra gov than me, so my opinion is something I have to try and keep to myself. "I totally forgot it was my birthday!" I slapped my hand on my forehead.

"How could you forget? It's your most important birthday yet!"

My most important birthday? I paused, realizing what I had just thought. Wait...oh my god. I felt my heart drop to the bottom of my feet and my head started to spin around the room. I grabbed the warm cup of coffee that was sitting in the brewer, my hands trembling with nerves as I pressed it to my lips and took a sip, to trying to feel some relief.

"Your being mated today! Aren't you excited!" Gemma squealed. No, I was not excited. I was dreading this more than anything in my whole life. I couldn't even tell Gemma...my best friend, how I felt about it though. If Detra Gov found out I am against their system...they'll for sure lock me in the Chamber. So I have to go around, day by day, pretending as if I'm okay with this. As if I'm ok with Detra Gov controlling my every move.

"Ya...I'm excited"

"You don't sound excited."

"I am!" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Good. You should get ready then. You need to go up to the plaza soon and find your match!"

"ya...ok" I sighed.

"Hey listen, your match is going to be perfect...the system never fails. Just look at me and Matt! I'm the happiest of ever with him, we were perfect for each other. So don't overthink this please, I know you will be fine."  Gemma was just mated last week, and she is completely head over heels for her new husband. She claims she's deeply in love with him but there's still something...off about it. It just seems so forced...but I'm the only person who notices that.

"Thank you Gemma. I'm going to go get ready now, okay." I hung up the phone and took a deep breath. I couldn't believe this was happening ..I didn't want this. There was nothing I could do about it though, and who knows, maybe my match will be perfect, just like the system claims they'll be.

I opened my door and picked up the package of food and clothing Detra Gov sent to me this morning. Everyday, Detra Gov sends everyone clothing to wear for the day and night, and food to eat throughout the day. It's kinda silly in my opinion, but everyone else thinks it's helpful I guess.

I slipped on the plain white sweater that I pulled out of the box and stuck my legs through a pair of slick black leggings. I combed through my long silky brown hair and tucked it snug behind my ears. Taking another big sip of my coffee, I glanced at my phone. Text from mom: happy birthday honey! The big 20! Can't wait to hear about your match! Love you! I clicked my fingers on the touchpad and typed back: thanks.

I sighed and slammed my phone down on my counter. I peered around the clean white walls of my apartment...realizing that once I'm mated...I will no longer be living here. Once you are mated, you move in with your new partner. My apartment was all white, with no windows. It had a small living room that connected to a kitchen, and down a tight hallway, was my bedroom and bathroom. It was cozy, just enough space for me, though I wish it had more character to it. I sighed and rubbed my hands over my eyes. Get over yourself Ev, this is going to be fine.

I snatched my keys to my car and slowly walked out my door. This is it. Time to meet my future husband.

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