to c: april 30

131 9 0

first text message since i realized that i had my answer to his question

11:34 p.m


c//i am super bored what's up

me//idk where are you. if it's in class then it's the weird lighted tiles that blink creepily, if you're outside it's the sky. if you're in your car than it's the roof.

c//haha very funny (sarcasm intended)

me//i know i am so funny

c//how's work and school

me//good actually. i have enough money for my plane tickets now so i quit my extra jobs. just studying for our exams and working part time at elliot's restaurant

me//how's it going with you

c//good. i have my tickets too. i just can't believe that we won't see each other even though we're switching countries. is there any way that you can stay an extra day or anything!!

c//staying forever would be better too, just saying

me//bought everything, got my school coverage finalized, talked it over with my parents so no. i can't. everything is done, it's too late

c//same here

me//it is just so weird how after all this effort to stay away from you, when i finally am ready to see you again we can't make anything work

c//ya i know

me//maybe in summertime?

c//i don't even know. i just want you to stay here for good with us

me//i know. i am sorry. i just need time

c//if you do ever decide to come back, we might be going off to different post secondary schools or employments and never see each other again.

c//i want to graduate with you

c//fix things

c//but we've forfeited all of that

me//remember when you told me that i only had one life? that i had to choose between elliot and london and you and my family and friends in canada? i had made my choice a long time ago. even before i came here


me//i choose you. i choose my true home

me//i ran away from my problems and feelings and i shouldn't have. i never talk to anyone-ever-about my emotions and all that sappy stuff. then i was stuck in a hurricane of it all and with all these problems and drama and everything

me//i didn't know what to do

me//i opened up my true feelings and it only hurt me ten times worse. i felt like an idiot even though i didn't do anything intentional. then when i found out about what happened, i couldn't think straight. i couldn't face myself or you so i ran away. i know i have to go back eventually, because you are where i only ever want to be, but i don't know if i am ready yet. and as much as you think you are, i don't think you're ready to see me yet either-to hear the truth

c//maybe i am not but time is not on our side. i get it okay, you've never let anyone inside those walls that you've built around yourself but hey, first time for everything right?

me//yea. it sucks i can't see you in london. or you can't see me in canada.


me//well it's late and i have got a test tomorrow. night.

c//haha right, it's only afternoon for me. sweet dreams bree

*read {by me} at 12:11 a.m*

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