to c: april 4

162 10 1

first text message since i got enough money for a quarter of my trip

5:56 p.m

c//what's up

me//i have a quick break

c//so you wanted to spend it with me huh

me//ha calm your ego

me//just wondering what you're doing this weekend?


c//is something wrong?

me//nah i am just encouraging a conversation topic that doesn't have anything to do about me coming back

c//why bother

me//i won't come back to you cade. not yet.

c//well then will you come back for your family?

me//i told you. i don't want to talk about it

c//then come back so we won't have to talk about it



me//i am not ready yet

c//well when are you going to be ready!!!??? when you're all nice and dandy you'll just come prancing back with your boyfriend and leave again? i am sick and tired of trying for you and you rejecting my kindest over and over again. after what we've been through most people wouldn't have continued together but we are and i am only trying to hold us together. let me try, help me try

c//do you not think i don't know that you're a little messed up!? because i know. i have heard the way you talk about yourself so badly and the way that you're holding yourself together for everyone else but you.

c//i love you so freaking much. i have fallen so hard for you and i will try to my last breath if i have to for you

me//then leave me if it's too hard. eventually you're bound to fall in love harder than now. i have been telling you that i am not worth it-now you realize it right? you just said so, i am messed up so why try huh? tell me, why try for someone like me, with a scarred wrist and heart? why try for a psychotic freak-because that's what I am right! I know it's true, you don't have to rub it in, but i am trying just as much. do you know how much it hurts every single day to wake up knowing you are miles away and it's all my fault! to have distanced myself from everyone i love! i have given up on myself a long time ago cade and the people around me were my glue. now i have lost them too and it is all my fault

c//you haven't lost me

c//and i shouldn't have said you're messed up, i just miss you so much and want you to come back so bad it hurts every part of me

me//i want to come back but time heals and that's what we both need okay? i know that i am not easy to love but you still do and i am so thankful. i can tell you that i have fallen just as hard for you, i love you and every single part of me loves you, you're my magnet cade. i am trying but i am trying in a different way than you. i don't want to rush into my old life.

c//i am sorry. i know we are both trying

c//wait what...?

me//huh? what are you confused about?

c//you said that where i am is your old life


c//you only have one life bree

c//spend it wisely

c//it's what you do that's different and true

c//so are we here true or is elliot and london true?

me//i have to get back to work

*read {by c} at 6:48 p.m*

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