to c: april 12

146 8 3

first text message since i considered visiting quintin and staying back home for good

11:14 p.m
c//hey i know you're tired and just got off work but i really need to talk to you


c//i met a girl today who said she knows you

c//pretty, long blonde hair, hazel eyes, name's theresa-ring a bell?

me//ew her. she keeps trying to talk my friend sean out of being gay

c//ok then

me//she went on vacation to new jersey, not did you meet her?

c//something about a change of plans and staying with her canadian aunt. i was with fate at the airport, picking up her sister with her, and theresa's aunt had a sign that said: the jensen family (coming from london because my niece goes to the most prestigious school there) so i took a chance and asked theresa if she knew anyone named bree or elliot and i scored :)

me//well that sign has cocky written all over it so it must be hers but really! out of 2000 students and you meet her!

me//and of course you were out with fate

c//you were out with elliot!!!

me//but he's not my boyfriend

c//so now you're concerned about my love life when you know you aren't a guaranteed part of it huh?

me//um no i was just remarking something and that's hypocritical of you to say because you don't seem to be too happy with elliot either

c//fine. whatever. and fate is my friend not my girlfriend


me//so what's so important about theresa that you couldn't have told me during my next break and decided to interrupt my needed sleep for more work and school ?

c//you stretch yourself out too thin cinderella. that work must be so stressful. well anyways i wanted to let you know, i am coming to see you soon. may 5th bree. hang in there, it's time you faced your real life again

*read {by me} at 11:45 p.m*

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