to c: may 19

108 5 0

last text message of the end

8:57 a.m
c//hey, it's almost 2 here i'm about to board my plane

c//wait! we forgot about the time difference!


c//when you get back, you'll be going through a time zone and travelling BACK five hours. by then, we might be able to see each other before my flight!

me//holy shît i forgot about that!

me//wait no. because that means you'll be back here by like four since the flight's seven hours and i'll be leaving at two

c//damn it. so close.

me//i'm sorry, have a safe flight

c//you too bree. second time we're crossing paths but never seeing each other. i can't believe this is really happening, like in the movies or books they'll find a way or there will be a time delay but not in reality

c//and we live in reality.

*read {by me} at 9:15 a.m*

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