Chapter 30: Lunar Lovers pt.3

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Dark. Cold. And in pain. That was all you knew when you passed out. You heard someone tell your name, but couldn't tell who it was. Once out you were at peace and no longer in pain.

You dreamed of that day on the beach. When that kid had helped you out with the Vice Admiral. You remember the warm aura he had. It helped you fall asleep. And after the day you had, sleep seemed like a good idea.

——Aokiji POV——

She used Arament Haki...I didn't start that till 13. She beat me by two years this little shit.

"Y/N!!! Hey c'mon wake up!!! Don't die!!" Some teenager knelt next to you, cradling you in his arms, and started to cry. "C'mon you were so tough out there!!"

Kuzan smiled, she'd finally made a friend. Something that he had been worrying about since she joined. There were no kids around her age, most people joined at 15-16 years old, she was the youngest in history to enlist. But it seemed like she and this kid would get along just fine.

"You there what's your name?"


"She'll be fine, the medics are going to take care of her, in the meantime. I think you need to tell me about everything that went down."

20 minutes later, Kuzan was impressed. Not only had she taken in the situation, she'd found an alternative route one that maximized the safety and lives of the villagers. Something most marines forgot to do. She'd even gotten three perfect strangers to help her out. And she placed them where they would be the most use.

I gotta start playing chess with this kid more often.

"Sir, I wish to join the marines." The kid who was holding you came up with a determined look on his face. 

"Me too." A ghost decided to come up to Kuzan and he noticed your gun. 

"UH well okay. We'll take you to the office once we get things cleaned up. Help get everyone situated then come to the ship at sunset. I'm going to go check on Y/N."

Walking back to the warship his den den mushi started to ring, he knew who was on the other line and refused to answer. Ever since Ohara, there was a strain between him and Sakazuki. He still remembered how it felt to kill his best friend Saul. He has nightmares abut it to this day. 

Walking into sick bay he saw many wounded soldiers, they weren't prepared for this attack. The only soldier who had actually set a plan, was nothing more than a foot soldier with zero support. He walked past the Lt. and gave him a glare.

"What happened? This situation shouldn't gotten so out of hand, you had enough men, women, and weapons at your disposal. So what happened?"

'We were ambushed."

"Obviously, why wasn't anyone at their stations?" He already knew the answer, but he wanted to see if the Lt. would take responsibility for his actions or if he would blame someone else. 

"We were, but they knew the island well enough to know where we would be."

"I see." With that he walked away looking for a short, skinny little girl. Which didn't take him that long. 

"Ah Aokiji-san, good work out there today, you could've taken out the whole crew yourself."

"How's she doing?"

"Concussion, a few cracked ribs, with some simple exhaustion. She'll be okay in a few days."

"Hmmm." Kuzan sat next to your bed, and just stared at your face. You were going to have several scars after today, and considering what you would need to do to be able to use your arament haki as easy as your observation haki, you were going to get many more.

"KUZAN!" Everyone froze, Sakazuki came stomping in. Looking rather ticked off. "What the hell happened?"

"An ambush what does it look like. No one got away. All the villagers are safe."

"I heard someone got them to safety which soldier was it?"

Kuzan pointed to your sleeping form, and his colleague stared at you then him like he had lost his sanity.

"I'm being serious here Kuzan."

"As am I. You can talk to the villagers, and the kids who she got to fight with her. They'll tell you the same thing. She also awakened another color of haki."


"This is the kid I was telling you about in South Blue. The one with the color of observation."

Sakazuki came closer and put his face a few inches away from yours, making Kuzan tense. Sakazuki moved a strand of your hair from your face then walked away.

"I am going to confirm your story. Find who is responsible for this then send them to me. They need to be taught a lesson."

Sorry Lt. you won't be working for the Navy after today. Serves you right for letting the people in your command enjoy the festival more than what they were supposed to be doing. 

Kuzan sat back down, and just waited for you to wake up again.

"You did good little warrior you did good." He patted your head, got comfortable and closed his eyes.

<Reader's POV>

There was fire everywhere and smoke. Your lungs were filling up fast. You looked around and saw Aokiji on the ground, not moving. You tried to move him but it wasn't working. Looking up you saw a man on fire, he had a hole in his chest, and tears in his eyes.

"Thank You for loving me."
Then more heat came and your body started to burn like acid running through you. Your crotch started to hurt and you saw blood spilling from it. You tried to scream but no sound would let lose. Then you felt claws digging into you. Though you could no longer see, everything was pitch black. I don't want to be here!! Please someone save me!! Then just like that everything was quiet the air was clear and you were on the coast.

"Y/N." Someone is calling me. You started to run towards the voice calling you. It was deep and comforting like the sand beneath your feet. "Y/N." The voice called to you again. You ran faster and faster until you saw a silhouette in the distance. It was tall, with wild hair. You felt the prescence. Whoever they were they were happy to see you. "Shortie." Then everything went bright.

You opened your eyes, and felt sore all over. 

"Ugh, what happened?" Then you looked around and saw other injured soldiers, sleeping. It was dark outside and no one was around. Your foot was wrapped but not in a cast, you weren't hooked up to any IV, thinking it was safe to start moving around.  "That was a weird dream."

You walked into the hall and noticed it was empty, walking further down you heard yelling.

"There is no way in hell!! It's impossible."

"All the villagers say the same thing. They said she felt death so they went up the mountain instead of through, and by the time the pirates had caught on, me and my men had started to apprehend them all. And talking to the guy she fought with he said he saw her arms turn black. I want to take her on and help her out some more so she can better defend herself. Maybe give her a long ranged weapon to be safe."

"Do you hear yourself Kuzan?"

"Your point?"

You decided to go back to the recovery wing, and sit in the bed. You started to think about the dream you had. And what it could mean.

"I don't like being called Shortie." With that you went back to sleep.

The next few years were rough. You had to meet with a weapon specialist to figure out what kind of gear would be good for you, the whip seemed the easiest, and once you had learned to coat that in haki the rest came easy. You had taken some dance classes to help with your flexibility and incorporate it into your fighting style. Helping civilians rebuild was your favorite part of the job. Soon after the things in your dream started to happen. 

One thing you never got to do was finish the book Lunar Lovers. All you knew was that pirate and marine loves always ended in tragedy. 

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