Chapter 20: Duty calls

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You felt sore all over again. And cold, hungry and downright pissed off. The surgeon of death knew, he knew about your rapes, he saw them with a weird stone that you didn't even knew existed until he used it. Along with everything else you felt shame and weakness.

When you'd woken up, Kid was holding you, almost cradling you in his arms. You'd stayed still cause it hurt too much to move, but in that moment you didn't want anyone touching you, even Kid. But you kept quiet about that and just said nothing.

At the moment you were in front of the doctor he was making his last stitches when he walked out. Kid replaced him not long after and just sat next to you not moving or speaking. You could sense the anger he felt but luckily it wasn't directed at you...yet.

"What did he do to you Shortie?" you breathed in and exhaled out.

"Standard torture stuff, but it didn't do him any good. He wanted me to tell him something that wasn't true. And that's all I am saying on the matter."

"I need you to tell me everything that happened.'

"I don't want to, nor do I have to Kid. I lived through it once and I don't want to spend this time rehashing what he did to me or why he did it. I just want to forget about it to be honest and not do a damn thing about it."

It went silent. You felt his eyes on you but didn't bother to try to return the stare. There was no point. Reliving things didn't change the fact that they happened, it only caused sleep deprivation and headaches, and in cases like you caused you to start drinking.

"Not do anything about it huh? You mean how you didn't do anything about those bastards two years ago? How'd that work out for you huh?"

It felt like ice water had just been dumped on your head.

"Watch it Eustass." Your tone laid out the threat. You didn't care if he was your lover you'd kick his ass if you had to.

"Or what?" His tone was similar to yours.

You stared at him hoping your glare came across as menacing as you felt. For a few minutes it was silent neither of you said anything, until you couldn't take it anymore. You stood and went to the door.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going Shortie?"

"To my boat. I'm sleeping there tonight." You went to walk out but he again used abilities to lock the door.

Fine then. You kicked the door down, coming face to face with Kid's higher ranking officers. And you started to walk away.

"Get back here Shortie!!!"

"Fuck off Eustass!!" You we're both yelling the whole ship went silent. You'd guessed talking back to Kid was something no one ever did. But you'd been doing it since you'd joined the marines. So to you this was normal, only difference was the person.

You pointed a finger at Kid eyes locked.

"You're not the boss of me Eustass, I will do as I please when I wish. You try to stop me I'll sucker punch you in front of your whole crew. For tonight leave me alone!"

You jumped off the ship and ran. The first thing you did was move your little boat from its resting place and moved it further down the coast. You needed a secure location and it wasn't around so many pirates or merchants. There was that saying "hiding in plain sight" but you couldn't do that anymore. You needed to get the information you were sent to get than disappear and never show up again as Opal.

You'd been hesitating going to do what you needed to do. It meant that you were to leave Kid...again this time of your own violation, and you weren't sure you could do that. Last time you'd been forcibly taken away, and it was easier to move on what you and Kid had shared back then cause it was a "job hazard" this time your heart overtook your logic. And that was always dangerous, especially for a marine.

One Piece:Lunar Lovers: Eustass Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now